I don’t know about “fine”. She’s been through unimaginable trauma. She’s out of immediate danger, but she’ll probably need a lot of help, both from family & friends and professionals before she’s fine
I don’t know about “fine”. She’s been through unimaginable trauma. She’s out of immediate danger, but she’ll probably need a lot of help, both from family & friends and professionals before she’s fine
I’m lactose intolerant, but I still eat a lot of dairy. You know why?
This is just the dying farts of an authoritarian leaning segment of the left who know they can’t articulate anything specific because if they did sensible liberals would reject it. So they shake their fists at the sky because thats enough to sate a large segment of their audience. It’s frankly despicable. The last…
Im still not quite sure what Jezebel wants from Louis CK. I mean he got caught, called out, admitted it, apologised (how much is up for debate) and had his career derailed due to the furor...
I think moving on—for all parties involved— is the right action to take in these types of situations. What’s the point of having a series of awful moments ruin the rest of your life?
Y’all I’m not fucking kidding, I really like the Eagles and I really do listen to this album a lot
I was being serious!! I genuinely like the eagles, and I really did listen to that album a few hundred times on Spotify, mostly because it would just play on repeat while I was at work
are we talking about dads in general or just my dad? because *i* was the one that bought us Def Leppard tickets and uhhhh i love him so much but he doesn’t even wear dockers, he wears light blue jeans.
Fuck you, boomer scum!
The Eagles wrote some good ass songs. People also need to let go of the idea that the best selling album is the best album.
i’m sorry everyone, it’s me - i’m the one that’s streamed it a few hundred times to push it over the edge. i can’t help it though! “take it to the limit” is my calm down song
For the record, the track Hotel California” is not on that greatest hits of 1971-1975 as it was released in 1976.
I agree on Karen’s hair, and I appreciated that she was wearing her own eye lashes. Bold move in these parts.
Continue to waste your time getting pissed about trivial nonsense.
You have no idea how film production works if you think Rogen had anything to do with this, or even knew about it.
You’ve got to be kidding indeed. I’m sorry, if you’re offended by this you’re a moron.
Title: Seth Rogen put a presumably white child actor in blackface, presumably for “comedy”.
I think we might have just found the biggest non story in human history.
I went googling for a Dumbo Bambie hybrid expecting the internet to fail me... I give you the glory that is Dumbie.