Cliff, Jane, Rita, and the rest of the team’s battles with the very creepy Candlemaker, that’s going to be pretty great news for fans of one of the most delightfully weird superhero shows on TV.
Cliff, Jane, Rita, and the rest of the team’s battles with the very creepy Candlemaker, that’s going to be pretty great news for fans of one of the most delightfully weird superhero shows on TV.
Oh thank god!
Uh... Lobbying, idle threats, campaign contributions, etc.
Civil rights bad. National oppression good.
It’s like when people want “politics out of sports” but jerk off over the national anthem played before events, giant flags spread across the field (a violation of the Flag Code btw) and circle-jerk celebrations for the military during it.
Didn’t take long for the dipshits to appear complaining about this article being “political” when it’s commenting on a game that is deliberately portraying cold war politics for fun.
The better question is why would you vote for a grown ass adult who hasn’t figured out libertarianism is nothing more than a selfish fantasy.
That’s not how rabies vaccines work. It’s not one of the mandatory ones, and is only recommended for those who live in areas with a high prevelance of the disease. Furthermore, it’s three shots over the course of a month, and it’s expensive.
I am not sure why so many people are claiming this could be interpreted as a conservative cartoon making fun of BLM and people who wear masks. It’s very clear from the facial expressions with whom you’re supposed to sympathize, and it ain’t the white anti-masker.
Your lack of comprehension and sensitivity underscores the artist’s point.
It reads as a jab at dumbass white ladies to me, and how they will try to run other people’s lives
Nerf Now mixing up Voltorb and Electrode’s colors triggers me more than it probably should
The people legitimately complaining about the game weren’t being toxic about it. Pokemon Shield is fine, it gives some QoL changes, but like classic Gamefreak style, they remove stuff that worked well before, and also lied about some other stuff to later put it into the game as paid DLC. It’s that simple. It’s not…
...Transparent? Really?
You know they got the spotlight shined on them for silencing people who brought up their war crimes and a contest that just took you straight to a recruiting page, all for a chance to win a “free xbox controller”, right?
They’re not transparent, they just got caught.
They’re not transparent though, when people starting asking them about war crimes they got booted.
why’d they bother, considering they constantly cave to their opposing party on everything?
Yes the sensible people who believe in science and reason but still don’t care about universal healthcare even in the midst of a pandemic that’s ravaging the country. Very sensible indeed.
Moderates aren’t really Democrats. They’re basically their own elite party and will shoot down anything progressive or can’t profit off of.
You must be thinking of some other party. And no, I’m not a Trump supporter or a Republican.