Fuck the fucking fuck yes! Holy fucking fuck, this fucking shit is fucking great! Fucking fuck yes!
Fuck the fucking fuck yes! Holy fucking fuck, this fucking shit is fucking great! Fucking fuck yes!
One of my favorite songs from the whole show:
That’s what kills me. He has such a dedicated base that his entire party is scared shitless of ever speaking against him, and that base will stick with him literally no matter what he does. He could effortlessly do a complete about-face and start pushing M4A, UBI, and a host of other extremely beneficial policies, and…
Sure, it’s true that a lot of these companies are just engaging in PR BS.
Intentionally choosing to not make a statement that marginalized people qualify as people, is tantamount to stating that they don’t.
Also worth pointing out:
God damn it, Sony. Of all the low-down, dirty things you’ve done over the years, now you’re releasing a Miles Morales Spider-Man game, and a Horizon sequel? Both, presumably, this year? Screw you.
One of my favorite quotes comes from the Rush song Free Will.
Wisconsinite here, and just... no. Our idiot governor is giving in to the Republican death cult by allowing all retail to open (but there will totally be occupancy limits, and those will definitely be enforced!), and, even more egregiously, allowing restaurants to let people dine in indoors. Right as the state’s first…
The moron was asked a couple weeks ago something to the effect of, “How would you respond to people who are afraid of the virus and the economic damage that might occur as a result of fighting it?”
I heard he even had the gall to be black! And a community organizer in the third largest city in the country! And a Constitutional Law professor! And a Senator! How undignified and unqualified!
I honestly hadn’t thought of that, but... that would be 100% on brand for someone like him.
Even worse, making it clear that his wealth-worshiping sociopathy is infinitely more important to him than human lives.
I mean, what they really need is to be charged and sentenced for their treason against humanity for siding with a virus, but yeah, I guess I’d settle for throwing them out of government.
Donny Boy’s friend Jim (no last name) is probably an expert. And I think John Barron is too. Lots of people are saying that there are no-go areas for the virus. The best, most bigly people. Frederick Douglas is talking about it more and more, I think.
“Damn it! I accidentally dialed a 2 in there. Guess I might have to start over, as long as you give me the 25 cents for the payphone in the next town over.”
I’m not proud to admit this, but my gut reaction was “point and laugh.” Almost immediately, I realized how evil and uncaring that was, and how ashamed I should be for having such a heinously self-serving thought.
You are absolutely, unequivocally, 100%, every bit as stupid as it is even possible for a complete moron to be, in even the most extremely moronic circumstances. If you are so unimaginably stupid as to think this video has even a fleeting relationship with reality, you deserve to be considered to be as stupid as any da…