that nagging feeling at the back of your mind

No they are not. They are lying about all of it. None of them are going out to buy goya, none of them have ever had anything by goya.

Only the Zodiac Killer would have the cojones to imply his grandma would cook with canned beans instead of dried beans. This is an offense that can only be solved by La Chancla™.

Conservatives are eating ethnic food to own the libs. This is our world today.

The problem is that Americans as a whole have a weird obsession with hiding behind the notion of “freedom.” They think that it means they can interpret that however they want regardless of whether it’s true or not. But in the case of this it’s only when things are inconvenient to them.

Coincidently, or not, there is also a f-ton of nurses around the country who are outing thrmselves racist twunts, and getting fired. 

She should be charged with a crime. You can’t be in a position of responsibility over others’ health (let alone your own child’s!) and be this negligent.

I work in a medical office as clinical staff and I sometimes just can’t believe the conspiracy theories being thrown around the break room by the nursing staff

There are an alarming number of nurses buying into crazy conspiracy theories about COVID-19, or who are dismissing it as no big deal. This shit has very real consequences.

Why, he’s an expert at lion.  He does it multiple times daily.

TBF, if I was watching him successfully point to a picture of a lion when asked, I too would be “very surprised”

“That’s a cat!”

a show of incredible mental acuity that doctors found both surprising and “unbelievable.”

Imagine Trump spending even a fraction of the time he uses up pissing and moaning to listen to the experts and actually try to make a positive difference?

Lamorne Morris was such a gem on “New Girl” even when the show took nearly 2 seasons to figure out what the hell to write for his character. I’m so excited!

And that he isn’t nearly as wealthy as he claims.

Is this kind of tantrum that makes me shake my head so hard when his supporters call him “tough” and “strong.”

The court also ruled that about half of Oklahoma is Tribal Land. The dissent was basically “this is going to be a huge pain n the ass.” I think Alito was in the same law school cohort as Bolton, there must’ve been some class they took called “All Treaties Are Bad.”

and if Christian had called the cops on Amy saying she was threatening him you’d have a point but you don’t now do you? Troll.

This is the only take. 

Original reeses size has the best ratio of chocolate to peanut butter. The minis have too much chocolate. The big cups are too big so you either get only chocolate or only peanut butter when you bite.