I mean if you gave a shit about any political views, you wouldn’t be a centrist
I mean if you gave a shit about any political views, you wouldn’t be a centrist
“Caveat emptor!” ~ Harry Potter, probably
If I recall correctly, “La Cocina” was the title of the fictitious off-broadway play that George Costanza lied about when he and Jerry were pitching their pilot to NBC.
“A rally is just exercising freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.”
1 million users equals less than one third of one percent of the US public. You would probably get more users in a HO gauge railway chat group.
“Trip” seems to be the obvious choice here, but if that sounds too prep school, I’m OK with “Skippy” or “Skipper” because diminishing them is what they deserve.
In my head, Bill is the obnoxious white neighbor equivalent to Karen. A Bill once stopped by my vacation property to kindly let me know that my kids had to stay on my portion of the tiny beach and couldn’t go on his side of the tiny beach.
I’m not feeling Skip. How about Steve or Jim? Most black people I know go by “Stephen” (with a PH), “Stevie” or “Junebug.” And no brother goes by Jim. “It’s James.”
It’s not a football game, guy. Getting past that defense only means you’re in Walmart. That’s the furthest thing from a touchdown.
It is so hard to get people to view prisoners as people worthy of at least basic rights.
Can’t believe part of your solution to police violence is “they wouldn’t be so mean if we weren’t so mean to them :(“. Cops have shown that they are irredeemable. Watch videos from the protests in any major city and you can see that. They are a violent cult, and we’re all being held hostage because we can’t imagine…
Yeah! Stick to Sports!
I like that your big attempt at a gotcha is “I didn’t read this but I’m still upset about it.”
Some cops aren’t bastards. Instead, they’re unemployed.
Aw, is there news in your vija games stories?
. . . I’ve ever barely skimmed through.
Does it hurt your viewing experience for them to blip a quick warning before the movie starts? If so, the problem isn’t the label, it’s definitely you.
If you don’t think pop culture can influence the way people think or act in the real world, you’ve never heard how cop procedurals like SVU have societally fucked with the ways Juries understand evidence in trials.
Take your slippery slope argument and slide it right up your ass.
You can’t argue that pop culture doesn’t influence actual culture in a country with a reality TV star as the president.