He doesn’t have loved ones.
He doesn’t have loved ones.
Being “Team Pence” here involves supporting a decision to withhold the availability of public health experts and officials from a widely watched network because that network did not air press briefings in full. You can disagree with CNN’s decisions on what portions of the briefing to air without supporting Pence’s…
You opt out by literally not clicking the link, reading the article and taking the time to comment, boss.
Classic non-apology, placing the blame on the offended not the offender.
he was born on third base and can’t stop talking about the swing that gave him a triple
A little sad that none of the pictures have credits.
It also doesn’t count people who died before being diagnosed.
My dream is that chicken skins were sold like chicarrones / pork rinds.
Florida gets wiped out by a comet
I don’t understand. Florida gets wiped out, but you called it a disaster flick. Which is it?
Tough shit, Florida. Those billions of dollars can find somewhere else to go, maybe even into something that isn't destroying the planet.
Even if it wasn’t for the offshoring of their corporations, when was the last time you DIDN’T hear about an epidemic spread on cruise ships? Just for that alone, they shouldn’t get a penny!
Ashley isn’t saying that Band-Aids are bad...she’s just saying that they’re insufficient for deep arterial wounds.
That’s the grift. You can do whatever the shit you like as a Republican, because you legit don’t care, and aren’t pretending to care. The Democrats have no bargaining power. Republicans can and will hold up funds, to get their way. What can the Dems do? Say, “Nah, son.” and then be accused of denying people assistance?
Nah, just taking it more seriously allows him to put his signature racist spin on it. He’s taking the pivot and driving it to it’s logical (for him) extreme.
Murdoch was hard at work back when Putin was just a KGB officer stationed in East Germany. Murdoch has been running the GOP long before Russians started trolling the US. Putin is bad, but nobody has come close to what Murdoch has done, not the Kochs, not the Mercers, not Zuckerberg.
We are at war with Eastasia. We have always been at war with Eastasia.
The switch from “The coronavirus is overblown liberal media hype meant to hurt Trump, and Trump is right not to be taking drastic, unnecessary action over it no matter what the deep state liberal Democrats say” to “The coronavirus is a massive, dangerous problem, thank God that Trump recognized that early on and took…
UK, Australia and the United States have all elected dumbass right-wing populists over the past decade.