that nagging feeling at the back of your mind


And these jackasses have the gall to say it’s the progressives who are being divisive.

I get a similar impression from her as well. She comes across as being driven by a sense of responsibility, as an extremely privileged person, to fix the sorts of inequality that she had benefited from. Her about-face on not just rhetoric, but more importantly on political action, speaks volumes about how hard she’s

My first Presidential vote, as a newly-minted adult, was for John Kerry. He wasn’t exciting, and he wasn’t really speaking my language, but I mean, Kerry at least seems somewhat principled. That, combined with his lack of groping every woman and girl he comes into contact with, makes him seem pretty damn great by

I respect anybody who grew up buried in the Just World Fallacy and who manages to walk away.

The worst part? Mexico wasn’t even one of the countries they were talking about.

Fucking preach.

Seriously? The only comment on this so far is a troll? That’s a damn shame.

No, I’m not “reading too deeply into it.”

Disney parent company owns Mirimax for gods sake.

Calm down, Uncle Arthur.

Or candy-based race car drivers.

I don’t foresee a situation where I could ever trust him, given the circumstances of his appointment. It is some small comfort, however, that he has chosen to uphold justice in this case. Hopefully that continues.

Oh definitely, she’s had some great takes on America lately. I particularly like how she got so sick of Trump possessing Brother America that he’s sloughed off into a flabby pile of hairy orange goo.

It’s almost as though right-wingers need to be rounded up and removed from civilized society.

Weird, that Donny throws a hissy-fit when he invents some bullshit story about “Muslims” “Cheering” “During”9/11,” but when an actual terrorist massacres actual real people, and his ardent supporters literally cheer for terrorism, the traitors whine about “blah blah blah not

“I shoveled scalding unchewed food down my throat. Give me money!”

Your statement boils down to: “All kids get to observe Christian holidays, therefore it’s fair.”