that nagging feeling at the back of your mind

Right-wingers are common-place, and every single one of them is not only capable and willing, but actively gleeful to carry out terrorist activity. Stop being willfully ignorant; these people are evil, genocidal maniacs.

Nazis deserve to be dragged into public view, denied any and all possibilities for employment, and left to starve to death in their random ditches. Anything else is a slap in the face to every civilized human on the planet.

“If you don’t like fascism, you’re the real fascist!!111!!1!”

One certainly hopes so.

I’m also partial to this one:

The fact that you’re lying about such a stupid, meaningless thing is pathetic.

“The real Deep State was the stupid decisions and mistakes we made along the way.”

They’re not actually Nazis. Nazis believed in national healthcare. *zing!*

Howard Schultz grew up in public housing. That means that everyone who pays taxes in America helped him and his family to survive. Without the social programs - payed for by all of us - that gave him a home and enough food to live on, he would have died in childhood. He, like almost all Americans, attended public

Now playing

There was no pause between Tim and Apple. Max Contrarian is a lying right-wing troll, so obsessed with parroting right wing talking points that he will spread and defend even the dumbest, most easily disproven lies. Watch for yourself:

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Oh come on. There’s ample video evidence of the meeting. there was no pause.

Exactly! Even among those of us who despise him, his party, and everything they stand for, no one is bothered by what he said! It clearly wasn’t some malicious slight or attempt at a joke, he just accidentally said the wrong thing. Everybody does that, and someone in such a public-facing position is bound to do so

Gun to my head, I’d say the Back to the Future guys are my favorite, followed closely by the Chrono Trigger group. Everybody featured was pretty great.

Depressingly, it’s not incorrect. Democratic leaders are so obsessed with sucking up to Republicans and Republican voters - and throwing every single progressive cause out the window in the process - it’s a wonder they can even manage to turn their base out at the polls at all. They simply refuse to accept the fact

I’d bet they can find some car crashes. From what I hear, there are lots of car crash videos coming from Russia Real Conservative Patriots’ America these days.

47 months for what amounts to a lifetime of treason and war crimes!? Fucking unacceptable.

47 months is disturbingly lenient given the litany of extremely severe crimes he was convicted of.

I, for one, would like to see Janeane Garofalo hurl a bowling ball at her.

My Wisconsin heritage compels me to argue against your insinuation that Meghan McCaian and painted cheese have anything whatsoever in common. Cheese is a divine gift from the gods, regardless of what paint job has been applied to it. Meghan McCain... is not.

You should call CPS. I am not joking. This is not internet snark. That is abusive, and there is a significant chance those children will develop major mental health issues.