The Grey King

or a pussy

Fuck you and your FREE mp3 player, jailbird!

So, you don’t want to hear her opinion if it differs from yours? That’s so inclusive and progressive.

Plz explain Tyler Oakley to me.

Umm. I love Joe, but...

Or, more likely, because it’s much easier to make a movie about someone who is able to communicate with filmmakers.

Honestly, I don’t know. He’d never really talk much about the details of his service. The only story he told was how through some mishap he ended up on the wrong ship, and during a battle the ship he should’ve been on went under. He’d always claim he knew and that’s why he was on the wrong ship; I think it helped

In no way is this “gross” or “dumb shit”. She is exactly right.

Ah yes another if any one dares disagree with the kneel protests they are stupid post. I find it beyond humorous that this idiot thinks he knows more than NRBG. It is also doubly humorous for liberal on liberal outrage.

But what did she say that is worth ‘jumping on’ her for? So she disagrees with his views, big fucking deal. More importantly, she is standing up for his right to express those views, regardless of how she feels about them. That is what tolerance looks like. That is what freedom of expression looks like. And I’ll take

You either agree with EVERYTHING Colin Kaepernick says and does or you’re a Nazi.

When did having an opposing opinion of something become such a crime to you “ social justice” warriors. Barry stick to clowns and Harambe.

Gawker loves you as long as you agree with them.

“has some gross things to say”

If her answers frighten you, then she shouldn’t be asked scary questions. She has as much right to her opinions as the “hero” Colin Kaepernick does. So quit crying about it. One is no more right or wrong than the other.

Oh thank god, Barry Petchesky, sports blogger, is here to remind us all that his views are right and a supreme court justice is saying dumb shit. I’m honestly at a loss at how stupid and clueless that is.

God forbid she express her opinion since it differs from yours

Curt Schilling had the tweet of the night.

You’ve definitely banged your second cousin.