The Grey King

So is it cool if all the non-Nazi Republicans stay?

Pretty sure they can sue. Absolutely sure any lawsuit like that will get thrown out. You know, because its idiotic.

Only for the ignorant.

Do I smell a hater? I think I smell a hater. He’s hilarious, get over it.

I discount any opinion putting Amy Schumer on the same level as Lewis C. K. and Jerry Seinfeld.

Looks like she needs to easy off a lot of things.


Nothing. It’s a just joke. Then again....perhaps....something....

Would like to see Hilldog’s phone records.

There’s not a lot going on in Oklahoma. So they’ve got time for this.

Maybe if politicians acted like adults.


I think the without force part would cover an unconscious individual being raped. Since they can not defend themselves force is not necessary. But hey, sometimes one person trips and another falls.

Well until there is action on the federal level it will continue to be left to the states. Quite frankly, I think there are far bigger issues that need addressing before what bathroom a person can use. I’ll revisit the issue when the economy gets back on track and we do something to get the national debt under

Weeks are 7 days. Start over.

I thought Trump said he didn’t care about the bathroom issue.

I hear it smells like shit.

Buckle up buckaroo! It’s going to be a crazy couple of weeks.

This isn’t news. Why is anyone surprised?

Masturbate and move on.