The Grey King


Those are called action figures. Action figures.

You sound like very little fun.

She has zero chance. She would probably still lose if Long died before the election.

You can but you’d be throwing away your money. It’s an extremely red region.

That’s a pretty Liberal interpretation of dabbing.....

Get it right! They were flaming hot Cheetos. Details matter.

Hey, don’t start none won’t be none.

Soon is a relative term. Not sure what world you live in but there’s tons of both of those things in the real world. There is less of it in America than in other parts of the world though.

I said could, not would. Got to be careful of those damned bears riding unicycles.

Counter: Dolly Madison is the best first lady.

Just like pooping, everybody dies.

If by petty and spiteful you mean build a wall around the garden to protect it from raping Mexican illegals than more power to him. Keep White House produce for the White House.

So now he can bring people back from the dead. Are you saying he’s Jesus?

It could survive if Trump launches preemptively and wipes out the possibility of retaliation. Would only have to take out a few hundred million people.

Did Trump said it was too first ladyish? I don’t see the connection to Donny boy. Seems like she is protecting it more from Hilldog. After all she will most likely win.

Sexist jokes can be hilarious, so can racist jokes, so can gay jokes, so can any kind of joke. The purpose is laughter and not to degenerate. Learn to laugh at yourself and others without judgement. You’ll be happier.

Mr. Cosby for the last time the Constitution does not guarantee your access to pudding pops.

Yeah, well that’s just like, uh...your opinion man. My point is opinions differ. Some people think it’s racist. Some people think it’s hilarious. When my girlfriend’s cool with it; I’m cool with it. I trust her life experiences a lot more than any opinion here.