
Haha, I have to admit that despite often commenting about canine behavior, the response to this particular comment caught me by surprise. I know I'm right though, and haters gonna hate. ;) Also, to be fair the video is absolutely adorable as long as the owners understand what is happening. I've laughed at far worse

SUSPIRIA!! AKA "One Of My Favorite Shades Of OCC Nail Polish" and also "That Movie With The Amazing Color Palette That Makes Me Want To Redecorate The Whole House."

Glad you had such a lovely day (minus the asshole on the bus...come on Germans, I thought we were polite?!) in Berlin. It's an amazing city! What a special time to be there, too.

Exactly. It'd be interesting to see whether a bunch of members leave over this and start their own damn better (BECAUSE WITH LADIES) club.

I agree with the author on all of her major points. Some further distinctions would be wise, though. Luring away a partner from a committed relationship may be troublesome but allowable in your 20's. But when you rely on your partner after significant life choices, this kind of activity can hurt many people, in

Sorry to be a killjoy, but that looks like obsessive shadow chasing which can be a symptom of OCD-like behavior. It's at best mildly annoying and at worst can present significant training problems because the dog ignores normal reinforcement (attention, treats) because the drive to chase shadows/reflections is so

I don't know if I'm just weird but all my perceptions on relationships echo yours. It's a long-ass story on how that happened, but THANK YOU for saying this because I'm hmmmming to every other comment.

Look, I'mma be real with you: Every one of my major relationships, including my very happy marriage of about 8 years, has started with me "taking" someone else's boyfriend.

Why? Because frankly, people DON'T end relationships when they stop working. They wait around, comfortably miserable, until a better option comes

sounds kind of fake tbh

Poly people hurt my brain. Sorry.

It makes me sad that "low extraversion" is described as a bad thing. Introverts are people too!

*ring ring* kelly faircloth? stop posting ebola articles.

"Who cares"?

You know, it's funny/sad: teaching was what made me want to stay in academia a few years back, since the research part of it got somewhat tiring for me, mostly the endless process of getting published and all the egos involved in it. My students for the most part were what kept me sane and happy. However, now that I

Drink less.

I'd give him an ultimatum: her, or me. No hanging out with her, no texting, no one-on-one lunches. You have a right to feel safe and secure in your relationship, including that your BF isn't going to be using another woman as an emotional crutch. His choice will tell you everything you need to know. I went through a

You are not overreacting and what your mom did is completely out of bounds and not cool. I am so sorry.

The one I'm actually watching nervously is a tiny one — the house rep for the district where I went to college. Where it gets interesting is that this is Central PA, so red as far as the eye can see. The old rep, who was very well regarded, came out as gay — one of only two out Republican state senators in the country

That is a tough one, and I'm really sorry. My little brother used to be the same way (except mine's actually the successful one, but for some reason has always been jealous of me even though he got All The Things because patriarchal family).

I was diagnosed with NVLD, but I think I should get rediagnosed before I go back to school.