
You've gotta be fucking kidding me. I'm sorry, I'm so ready for the fourth wave to begin. Until then – the whole mommy wars, Belle Knox/belle hook, Old Navy-posititve lot of the third wave can ... I don't know. I'm going to look at my Vallee Export photos now.

I hesitated before answering because all Actually I teach a feminism class and my students are constantly citing Jezebel as a source of "feminist" information, whereupon I have to look at what it is they're discussing. If you can think of a way I can gain this information without actually visiting

I was just talking with someone about the expanded definition of 'trolling,' but this story, this headline in particular, contributes to my conspiracy theory that Jezebel is just one gigantic troll to get women to fight amid themselves. Even more than breastfeeding stories, mommy wars stories really bring out the

I think there's ample evidence that Kim K is dumb like a fox. She might not be a Rhodes Scholar but as this short article notes she certainly has a marketing sense for tapping into the zeitgeist.

Huh. I'm not asking this as a troll, seriously...but, what, now, do you consider a troll? Or maybe I should ask what did you consider a troll then? Because it seems the definition of the word as a verb and noun has become quite expansive.

I don't think that was the algorithm on the main Gawker site back in the day, when you registered with your semi-accountable email address (something I would be happy to do now). I still worked in journalism when Gawker began and knew some of the writers from around, but... now that we're several generations into the

I'm playing the Kim Kardashian Hollywood game oppositionally. If someone comments on my outfit, I walk away. I'm always nice to Willow. I never finish my modeling job and spend all my K dollars on booze.

No to you in particular but as a fellow former Utah resident, maybe....

Seriously, I can't tell if this is a joke response or not but... Joyce Carol Oates, Teju Cole, Eric Jarosinski and many others have brilliant Twitter feeds. I feel like Facebook is a bunch of suburban moms who can't spell operated by a known manipulator and data seller, but I'm not on it and I don't bash people who

I'm @Franz_M_W_Marc on Twitter (I'm not Franz Marc).

No. And I've been here (not under this name I just gave up after the last round and the original Gawker starred commenter hacking) since 2007 . The moderation by popularity has a nasty Mean Girls overtone to it; I'm not here to fawn over the writers, you know?

About the OBL assassin? Yeah, I don't know why misogyny was at the top of the complaint list about that testicle with legs. Of course you'd expect a guy to use "pussy" as an insult rather than an erotic endearment...

Thanks for pointing out something intelligent and informed about canine (particularly herding dog) behavior. Also please ignore the haters commenting. These same people would be the first to grab the pitchforks and torches if the story were about a family who gave up their dog because behavioral problems/new baby in

Unless this is one of those clubs formed ostensibly for the "adventuring" activity that actually offers access to networking/political advancement opportunities (and even then I'm not sure I understand), I don't understand why women would agitate to join an organization in which, even in event of slightly favorable

I don't have much to add except to congratulate you on getting through the many obstacles there must have been to custody and law school. Not many people could have done this.

Yes, the self-righteousness in this thread, it is strong. Thank you and also Jen at the top of this subsection of comments for being open to real lives that actually unfold in unpredictable waves.

I know there's a click through link but you must realize right that...

That's terrible when the stress of a (low-paying, thankless) job gets to you. I hope you feel better and find something where you can use your skills and are appreciated.

"...where anyone under the age of 50 ..." I think maybe, again, Gawker media is flattering itself about the demographic who reads its sites. Even if not, this is incredibly ageist. My dad is considerably over 50 and he was in his primary career an attorney for the United Steel Workers who represented many righteous

Ah, I see. Well, seriously, I hope this isn't TMI but I made such a purchase through (a horrible but popular online books-and-other-stuff vendor currently taking some hits on Wall Street).de at a low cost (for Deutschland) and fast delivery – my elderly neighbors (I'm sure you have some too) even accepted the package