
German here. I don't know about all the other problems, though I'm an academic and had to manage relationships through my long study period. I am not at all an extrovert, but coming out on the other side of a PhD made me realize that self confidence or not it is, objectively, me who's the catch and if some dude

Well, you published your dissertation, and as competitive as English PhD programs are, I'm sure it was no joke. I'm a PhD in humanities and I LOVE teaching, it's what's kept me going through the dark period in academia we are in...I don't know how anyone would stay in the field without either fat tenure at a uni in a

It's not just a Scorpio thing (fey air sign here). I think the diminishment of posting abilities is slowly choking Gawker Media to death. The cover story is that "the people" can't take what comes at them in a public message forum but I believe the truth is that the writers can't, or won't, accept even the mildest

Yes. I wish there were a way to PM on this interface because I had a traumatic brain injury from a bike accident, mid-PhD, and I graduated and also stayed in academia, and advise students with learning and cognitive disabilities now. But yes you can totally do it. Don't let anyone tell you you can't, and I'm not just


You know Catholicism was banned in 1933 and Catholic schools closed in Deutschland, right? Bavarian person here (the Catholic south) of the reasons the early instantiations of Gestapo headquarters was in München was to prevent the southern kingdom rebelling. Not saying anything like #NotAllGermans, but the fate

The "unique and amazing" is in the other response to your query?

Um, no. In the U.S., in the social sciences, probably about 50-50, maybe 60-40 or higher in some regions, so a vastly greater representation than in the population overall. If you look at some of the forums on you can learn a lot about who is in, and applying, for certain types of studies even down to the

Relatively new PhD-holder here but I've worked in academia a while and recently served on the grad admissions panel (funded, public program in humanities). Some good news is that relative to the social sciences in undergrad your history major was probably more difficult to attain (sorry social sciences BA holders but

That's kind of what "Pixie" implies. Just so you know I also love it when people brag about being culturally oblivious, i.e. not having television, etc.

omg the unwelcome return of "hubs."

Cut yourself some slack. First year PhD school is really really difficult especially with all the sky is falling rancor of academia these days. My advice (made it through, still in academia): make some friends outside your program. Outside of the university altogether if possible. In fact, depending on your

No, sadly, I'm familiar...though this batch is so far from any known linguistic convention I thought for a moment Dayna Evans might be cross-posting...

The punchline might've worked if it were in elvish or if the author's name was spelled correctly...

Wait a minute here...

I was desperately scrolling the comments, becoming more and more frightened, and then I found this one. I don't have much faith in humanity but thank you for restoring what little was there.

Oh, I'm completely a Gemini. But with a lot of planets in Scorpio and a Taurus moon. My mom was a Sag, my dad a Cancer, and my brother is a Capricorn, so, yeah, big fun.

I only drink on the weekends but not every single weekend. So I think I'm okay...right?

The OP is a woman. The person being judgey toward her is a woman. This line is something that is often said to women. The past several U.S. Censuses have commandingly shown that more and more people live alone. There is nothing based on a false data in my response to the OP, which was in no way directed to you.

Nothing! I mean crazy in a good way. I am a Gemini too. :)