Could I skip the first season?
Could I skip the first season?
Speaking of mysteries in The Sopranos, what the hell was up with that psychic that correctly identified some of the people Paulie has murdered?
*finish dinner*
Yeah, The Sopranos is super emotional.
I'm thinking he doesn't know Moyers was killed, and he's afraid of what Moyers will have done to him. He's also likely to be trying to help them, because he probably thinks they won't succeed.
Yeah I like how they left that open.
Now, I know everyone's gonna be like, "Yeah yeah you're always defending the heroin addict"
I'm thinking he was pretty upset about having to kill the guy, and just didn't think of that in the moment.
Even rationing for recreational use is doable, honestly.
I enjoy making bongs out of water bottles.
I could've told you Merrill Lynch didn't have offices in the WTC on that day because I couldn't see it from the plane and we went INTO the building!
You might say he's a "funny looking fella"?
I remember the screams of a thousand people drowning in the icy Atlantic when the "unsinkable" Titanic sank beneath the waves, and this rocked me to my core.
I had the misfortune of throwing up some habanero wings from there once, and I disagree with your statement completely.
Same. He's an asshole, but like, who fucking cares? Bill Cosby actually raped women. That's outrageous. Steve just lied about a major tragedy for 14 years, and one internet commenter in one of the linked articles said we would "all remember what he has done in September"
Yeah, I was reading on some other sites though, and apparently Steve lies about a lot of things. Including his college degree, and the area of study his college degree was in.
I'm partial to antiheroes over caped crusaders myself. Maybe I have too much of a biased view to take their opinion as stated.
I've heard Connolly wasn't all innocent in real life, so I'm not surprised.