
I feel like pettiness is okay to use facetiously sometimes.

Yeah but I mean, it is clearly something being done for kids and only a paranoid fucknut would assume that a bunch of assassins are going to dress up like superheroes to take out President FuckNut.

What're they going to do? Draw and quarter me?

Unpopular opinion it seems, but I like this show. I feel like it's going to pull together.

I mean, this is a show with an underlying prophecy.

Why would she be?


They have literally discussed understanding their professional relationship and friendship boundaries before. Tyrion would definitely accept Bronn as a friend. Bronn is a selfish pragmatic sellsword, but he actually likes Tyrion as a friend more or less.

Agreed except Cersei isn't stupid.

The Lannisters just like literally pissed off a fucking dragon.

Tyrion can see that Dany is and aspires to be something different than what Westeros typically offers people.

Fuck no. He would never work with Cersei.

Like, I agree with you on her sight but I also don't even see her disqualifying him from service just because he shot an arrow at her dragon (that was currently burning everything around him alive sooooo why would any reasonable person blame him?)

Dany isn't an idiot though. She's clearly intending some sort of terroristic recruitment drive.

Yeah, I've been saying Bronn is materialistic but he isn't a selfish idiot with zero foresight

"Throw" a spear?

Yeah last time Tyrion and Jaime met Tyrion was the prisoner so I figure they're gonna flop that for this time.

I love Bronn, Jaime, and Dany.

Nevermind, I r a bad reader.

So, I could just be completely stupid, but maybe Theon admitted he didn't kill Bran and Rickon to Sansa?