I thought the one that went down in the Osama operation was due to mechanical issues related to the modifications of the airframe.
I thought the one that went down in the Osama operation was due to mechanical issues related to the modifications of the airframe.
Those would be WIC (women infant and children) checks. Each one is valid for specific items like $6 of fresh produce or 10-36 oz of WIC approved cereal and a dozen medium or large eggs. Over half of all infants in the US receive WIC assistance and it really is a pretty cool program, as far as government assistance…
It was called ReBoot, oh the memories.
Oh man, I used to watch that every Saturday morning but I can't remember the name of it for the life of me, give me a moment to consult Google.
@eodelf: This is exactly what I was thinking when I viewed the video. I don't have first hand experience with these robots, but from what I could see in the video there is no clear line of sight from any of the visible cameras.
Yeah, alcohol is the last thing you want when it gets cold. It draws your capilaries to the surface and and causes your core body temperature to fall. You'll feel warm on the outside, but your body is actually losing heat.
I used to work at a movie/video game store and one day I recieved a box with a volume of 6 cubic feet (I was curious so I measured it) containing a single xbox game and a whole lot of bubble wrap.
Those generic people look kinda lumpy....
@thatdecade: Hmm, not a bad idea. I might suggest this to my manager (I work at a grocery) because we make money from recycling our waste cardboard and paper.
@Moskau50: Ongoing investigation, perhaps?
@WetSkeletonz: Have you ever seen what happens to things that are touched by children? I swear some of them have the ability to break things with their minds.
@Sprzout: Interesting. My high school was the exact opposite, we had to keep our belongings in our lockers and weren't allowed to carry any bags or even wear coats for fear that we would be smugglin contraband. We were also subject to random searches of the school with K9 units.
@dappernat: These were my thoughts exactly. My girlfriend has a little sister in 5th grade and she breaks almost everything she touches. Especially electronics. She has single handedly broken at least 3 DVD players, an Xbox 360, a Zune, a digital camera, and who knows what else that she blamed on the cat.
@Monty: Negative, I am a meat popsicle.
@jd: The data is from Rottentomatoes, what do you expect?
@LaziestManOnMars: In my youth I conducted an extensive study on birds utilizing a pneumatic ball bearing accelerator. I can definitively say that birds can recieve extensive damage from a freefall including broken beaks and wings.
@Chillwave English Bro: Lemme get this straight, what you're saying is that artists should not recieve pay for their work because they're love for what they do should suffice?
@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: You are the brute squad.
@MercerCh00x: I don't believe you.