One of the lesser known rules of the internet is that there’s no film so bad that people won’t attempt a reappraisal decades later.
One of the lesser known rules of the internet is that there’s no film so bad that people won’t attempt a reappraisal decades later.
The joke’s on you, suckers! We got that for free in Wild Things!
After this broke, one of our newspapers (the Sydney Morning Herald I think) found a guy really named David Manning and asked his opinion on a few movies.
I’m surprised that the article didn’t bring up Hollow Man’s most significant contribution to pop culture — the scandal of its ad campaign, which being unable to find a critic willing to give a positive blurb, made up a fake critic to quote from! David Manning, a nonexistent critic that also was used to promote other…
Nope, you remember it perfectly. It is not a good film, and will not ever actually be due for a reappraisal.
Yeah, Joe’s a wacky egomaniac, but I don’t get a danger aura off him like I do from Doc Antle. Of all the pieces of shit on that show, he’s the scariest one to me, plus he looks like an evil Henry Winkler, which is double scary.
But nowhere in the show did we see the creature touch her or even get close enough
It was a limited series right up to the point where El Cuco made his little “Are there others like me? I’ve sometimes felt...” aside. That was basically the producers signalling “Yeah, we’ll be angling for a second season here.”
If nothing else, I really loved all the scenes of the protagonists trying to wrap their minds around what is happening, being in denial, and now having lots of possibilities in front of them. I don’t think a down-to-earth story rocked by supernatural forces has ever done that element better than this show.
Mid- and post-credit sequences need to die. In the modern world of streaming with skippable intros and credits, this is a recipe for disaster. Even in the MCU movies that made this a thing, it was about rewarding diehard fan viewers with a small taste of future developments rather than a vehicle for crucial plot devel…
was killed by a “lethal cocktail of incompetence, arrogance, short-sightedness, and sociopathic delusion.”
Yeah, but one of those asses was Salma Hayek’s, and it was glorious. But when the sum entertainment value of your movie can be captured by a 3 second GIF, its not a good sign.
“What if America had a space force?”
You evil, heartless bastards! Running this scurrilous tissue of palpable lies while poor Jon Peters is sobbing and moaning through cataclysmic heartbreak....
Cast Steve Carrell. Get some fake tan and a blonde wig with some gray in it, he’d be perfect.
“What if we had motorcycles in the Wild West?” is something Michael Scott would suggest.
I’d love to see a movie about the career of Jon Peters. I imagine it would be sort of a cross between Anchorman and Wolf of Wall Street. Dude became a high-powered film producer based solely on the qualification of doing Barbra Streisand’s hair despite being, by all accounts, one of the most exceptionally dimwitted…
Watching that video for the first time in 20 years, it strikes me that:
Seagal is more of a general liar than a fraud at martial arts his Akido accomplishments are real and Peters got his start as Barbra Steisand’s hairdresser and is about 5'7"
Quite surprisingly, this movie ended up giving me one of my favorite filmgoing experiences.
I saw it at a radio station’s free screening in San Diego. Including me, the crowd was oh, about 75 percent Mexican/Mexican-American.
Cut to the scene in which Branaugh reveals that his “evil plan” involves returning Califas…