
Forgiving student loans will never be the magic bullet, but it can help millions of people in debt. But it wont help if our wages stay stagnate, our rent keeps skyrocketing, tuition keeps rising, and our public schools continue to remain underfunded and undeserved.

good for you bud......

dude your comments makes 0 sense. 

I agree, Student loan forgiveness is the Ibuprofen to the fever, but what we need to do is tackle the infection that makes it impossible to pay off our debt in a reasonable amount of time:

Dude, you know those are all separate things right? Like loan forgiveness is great, everyone should have it, even us ‘comfortable folks. But that mom who had to take loans out? you know what would help her? Unemployment benefits along with affordable housing options and rent control.

Well see, the way I see it, using my tax dollars to pay for someone’s philosophy degree doesn’t fucking phase me. Allowing bailouts for predatory lenders does. But I can’t put both of them as equal footing because they’re different things. 

thats the thing, I never said that people shouldn’t be reimbursed or their shouldn’t be some sort of back pay, my comment is about the knee jerk irritation that this is a possibility being afforded to others. the ‘what about meeee” is the initial reaction.

No, it’s selfish to get salty  that people may get their student loans debt paid off. 

I’m sorry I don’t understand this mentality- I had it hard so you should to? I had to slave away and my family had to suffer due to fucked up economics and skyrocketing tuition- so you should to?

This, I completed my masters degree 6 months before the economy tanked. The community mental health agency I did my internship in did a salary freeze that lasted 3 years, and I wasn’t making enough to make the student loan forgiveness payments. 12 years into my career and I’m finally way more stable than before but I

*hug from one Guanaco to another

JEsus, Cuban’s are the worst. 

I’m a Latinx and I can totally see this working in Trump’s favor. I know soooooooooooo many internalized racist Latino’s who think what he is doing is ok. My folks who somehow think that because they were born here ICE wouldn’t shake them down. Sorry compadres, but that skin tone you have doesn’t pass as white.

Hearing and reading this man is amazing. Do you ever hear or read someone that makes you feel like you need to step up your writing and communication skills? because he does that to me, a person who communicates via memes. 

Do you think the directors and producers say “We did it guys, we ended racism” when they do their wrap party?

Apparently you don’t follow the many IG accounts that use their platform to criticize capitalism. 

that swimsuit needs to come with a batch of monistat. 

I don’t weep when men, who consume women for the joy of their boners, get robbed by those women. 

I recently watched all of Buffy and I found that shit delightful as fuck!

aaahh, i love it when you’re so clueless that you cant pick up sarcasm. But I don’t expect anything less from a person who equates robbery to rape.