
I only have one child, and she wants a sibling so bad. I don’t have the heart to tell her that ONE of the reasons we’re not having one is because I don’t know what this world is going to look like in the future. Will I be able to feed one child yes, two or more? I don’t know. I lose sleep at night because of the

I can’t believe this woman was married to my pandemic papi- Gavin Newsom

This guy can’t even grow a milk mustache and they’re giving him a taser.

I provided online ‘therapy’ briefly and as a practitioner I was always wary of the privacy issue. I would write my notes in very vague general terms for this reason. I also felt like I missed so much than what I catch in a one on on session: the sighs, shifts in body language, little things that give a person away

God, I’m so fucking tired of the poor immigrant struggling narrative. Yes, there is great struggling, but not everyone leaves because of Narcos. Granted in 2020 the situation is very different and circumstances have definitely changed since my parents came to the us but Immigrants aren’t a monolith. I remember having

we had a wonderful wonderful christmas and I got a Peloton bike which is exactly what I wanted but hadn’t put it on my list because, well it’s a peloton bike. Actually I got the Echolon which is just as good but not as expensive. I am so so excited because my treadmill makes me sad out of boredom. I’ve been struggling

this just confirms that she’s just as awful as the fucking ‘senorita’ song.

so, she’s making her kid a racist by saying white people can’t say the N word?

Punishment doesn’t teach anything other than for your kid to avoid punishment. 

so, by allowing her white child to say the N word she’d be ‘not programming her to be a racist”? 

Ya know, since I’m not Black and neither is my kid I have no say as to whether or not a Black child to say it, nor is it my place to call it a double standard just because my kid can’t say it.

awful commercial that has changed my sheer desire to have this bike! my treadmill is getting boring as fuck. 

dear lorde those are the most hideous decorations ever. the woman has no taste in clothing or decor. 

I love king princess, and as a straight women I find her lyrics incredibly sexy. 1950 is probably my favorite, but “cheap queen” made me fall in love with her. 

I am not a fan of this lady’s tactics and goes against a lot of evidence based approaches to parenting.

badum tss

i would do this also, but not when i’m alone in a hotel room. I’m afraid I wont be able to fall asleep

Guys, this mama is in a hotel room, by herself on her second day of EMDR training (iz intense). Its 6:30 and a burger is on its way with a glass of Malbec, chocolate chip cookies, and milk.  I’m literally at a loss as to what to watch, I want something funny or light hearted. Any suggestions???

Yes, I’m gonna say his head game is amazing, so good that you forget you may be getting mediocre dick down. 

My husband and I make over 150k a year and we’ve long said it’s ok if we’re taxed if it means we can take care of people who need it. Goddamn it thats what taxes are for. Fuck paying my taxes to an swollen and indulged military to pursue american imperialism. Tax me for medical coverage, teachers wages, and buyin some