
Man, I”m so frustrated with myself. I haven’t been able to get below 160 in 2.5 years. I know I lack some discipline in my food, but i don’t drink, I run 3-4 x a week, I drink a shit ton of water, and I kinda allow myself 3 cheat meals a week.I refuse to be a miserable person who says no to fruit because it has carbs

At this point I am open to an ‘opposite’ handmaidens tail situation....if you catch my drift. 

This is the most british (are they british, i don’t know) wedding I’ve ever seen. 

and last but not least

Anyone know where i can buy some wrap around oaklies or some make up for thin lips, I don’t know which one of these ladies to dress up for for halloween.

Coool!! i skimmed it and missed that part...i hope she goes fucking broke

Isn’t she still going to be paid any kind of royalty? or will she get no money from this? I’m team no money for this wench. 

A class action lawsuit for all detainees??? i mean it shouldn’t even have to come to that right?? But if we were thinking suing, would that be the best option? I don’t know I’ve been crying myself to sleep this last week. 

I think its the keyboard function, not to be trite, but even I have a hard time using punctuation for my own name because i always forget the goddamn keyboard function to do it.

My husband also thinks he did this shit as a distraction about his investigation which also adds another corn to this turd of a president.

Also, can I present ending all conversations with “Fuck Trump.” Like, instead of saying have a nice day it’s just a ‘Fuck Trump.’ just a thought

not the same, but I saw a big ol lifted truck with a MAGA flag and a Blue Lies Matter Flag on the freeway. I rolled down my window, honked, and flipped off that Bass Pro Shop, weak jawed, milk mustached motherfucker.

I wish this bitch would try me in person. I wish she would.

I want to say a lot of things, but I also do not want the FBI showing up at my door.

Im just saying, I’m wary of food that also sounds like something I’d used to clean my sink with.

I’m going to spill my truth. I’ve never had hydrox, because i always coveted oreos.

Those dicks eat hydrox.

i have to limit my reading of this because I have a 3 year old. But i’m so angry, not a trump because we knew what a fucking piece of shit he was. I’m angry at his voters. I physically want to harm them with all the blinding rage i’d have if someone removed my child. I hold on to the anger to not cry myself to sleep

how many ribs did you remove to suck your own cock?

its absolutely happening.