no, not a jerk! hahaha thanks, it’s one of those things that I know how to spell, but forget to use it!
no, not a jerk! hahaha thanks, it’s one of those things that I know how to spell, but forget to use it!
the scene with the mom made me ball my eyes out as a kid. i can’t imagine the emotional heap I’ll become now that I”m a mom.
GUUUYS I need help! I’m curvy, like, snatch waist, big hips, big boobs curvy. Now, I’m looking for a plunge dress that will make me look sexy and classy, but not like a fashion nova instadoll. HELP!!! any suggestions would be greatly appreciated for a curvy girl who doesn’t want to look like a high end escort.
Just the first one!
you mad bruh?
I’ve started using Korean products I found on and I really have been feelin my skin. The excessive amount of moisturizing I do on a daily and weekly basis has my skin looking noice!
The gang members with what look like MS13 tattooes on their faces made me roll my fucking eyes. I’m not watching this trash that plays into the whole ‘bad hombres’ narrative. Why don’t we make one of a vigilante migrant mom who kills ICE after they traffick her daughter into sex tafficking? Id watch the shit out of…
Did he play Rih? or did Rih? play him? or did he softboi her? I need to know these answers.
I got pregnant at 33 and was like...fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I was incredibly ambivalent, googled ‘abortions’ and shit. I decided to have my child, because the only reason I found to not have one was because I was afraid of my life changing. It wasn’t reason enough for me.
can you get high and watch something stupid/funny?
0/10 would not recommend
Clarisonic brush, expensive but so fucking worth it. I use that with my friends charcoal bar and my pores look so much smaller and less gross!
So my husband and i have been having issues..for quite a while, issues that we got married with and only got worse with the stress of parenthood. Anyways, i started seeing a therapist and she asked me to write the pro’s and cons of staying in my marriage.
You spelled “committed mass genocide” wrong
I dont see cactus on this list.
I simply think the author, and other respondents, are projecting their own biases upon a child in a minute long video that no reasonable person would see as indicative of anything other than a daughter being respectful to her father.