
Calm down Thanos

Man, they’re toddler clothes are cute and cheap and when you’re paying 1200 a month on childcare it is very very tempting to say “fuckit IM BUYING SOME SHIT IN THERE”

What Nikki Minaj did in this video is like what Panda Express did to Chinese food.

I was watching it and told my husband that she was ‘inspired’ by Street Fighter, and he very quickly responded that ‘that’s the dude from mortal kombat.” I don’t know enough about either of these games as you can tell.

I get what you’re saying in this post. During the Salvadorean Civil war, a mom I knew had her home invaded by soldiers who were known killers and rapists. She had her daughter with her and a knife behind her back. She willing kill her child and herself to spare her and herself the violence and death she thought they

Maybe some moms, not me. I want her to know that women’s bodies are soft, at times squishy, droopie, and fuzzy before some frat boy tries to tell her other wise.

Good lookin out!

My kid didn’t sleep through the night until she was over a year old. We finally moved her to her own room after co-sleeping. I swear I wish I would have done it sooner. The best sleep advice I can give is lean into the misery, the more I tried to fight it, the more frustrated I became. The pacifier helped, the rocking

I’m gonna do some weed, sneak in a double double and shake in my massive purse, and watch the shit out of this movie.

we’re a naked family, usually running around to get dressed in the morning. SO my kid has seen me and my husband naked. We usually say “alright, I’m ready go to to work” to which she respondes “LOOK DOWN!!! YOU’RE NAKED” she finds the game hilarious.

There is not enough Maya Rudolph out there!

Wow, he’s gotten work on them teeth done hasn’t he!

I had a friend go through something similar, apparently overloading herself lead to a ‘depletion’ of some neurotransmitter. It took a long time to find the right combination of meds and lifestyle management, I’m glad things are looking more stable and clearer for you!

I do like doing the work in the room, that’s satisfying! You also have to stay of top of your education so you’re always learning new approaches. Right now I’m bummed out about where I work, it makes an environment to provide good effective therapy difficult because of burn out. Its hard to deal with not making

Guys, guys, I have my first therapy appointment in two weeks. I’m a therapist myself, so it’s going to be super weird. Mostly it’s going to be weird to be heard, talk without having to ‘fix anything.’ I’ve been incredibly disillusioned with my work and my marriage so I’m excited about going back to the couch.

Oh fuck off trump..jesus H Christ.


HI FRIEND!! not enough people love that show. It’s amazing, and i’m sad that it maybe ending next season. It’s such a bummer.

Did you see that interrogation episode because that was fucking solid!

i have been considering it! I guess im concerned about carcinogens and shit. I need to understand the mechanics of vaping more.