I love how this whole analysis felt the need to circle back to star wars.
I love how this whole analysis felt the need to circle back to star wars.
I’d smoke if it wasn’t for my asthma, so I just eat edibles. Yes, I fuck with edibles. The ones that sneak up on you 3 hours later.
I think it’s healthy too, but within reason. Like its good that she know her dad and I love each other and still are physically down to clown through our within reason PDA’s. But her knowing when and how and how often..eh I’ll keep that to myself.
I’ll take dick appointment over play date, any day!
Abortion isn’t awful either. Source: had one, doing fine, not heartbroken, not suicidal, it was a medical procedure.
did you just equate flipping someone off to rape?
*their art not they’re are
some of y’all are compost or the equivalent of a west elm couch being thrown out.
I think it’s important to NOT do that, because its a way of making us not feel guilty for continuing to put money in the pockets of horrible people. While we continue to consume they’re are we’re turning a blind eye to the behavior they should be held accountable for.
I can judge, I’ve never put my hands on anyone or was a shitty parent soooo
I can’t get behind a brand named after a cheese I ate growing up, but i’m gonna check out that website
who needs cock blocking friends when good ol’ beige and white bras do it for me.
Can i get something sexy for my tig’ol bitties?!?! it’s all a sea of beige, big ass fucking straps, and 4 billion hooks JUST to keep them in check.
Read the book and loved it. I look forward to seeing it and saying “that didn’t happen in the book!”
I enjoyed the book but dear lord I couldn’t even finish the movie.
I’m trying to find some Foria for my lady bits. Apparently it makes your pussy glitter. Figuratively speaking.
why don’t you write your own article. This a blog post not the fucking new york times.