
Wow. Samsung is not on my list after this. I'd rather buy a Nokia with WP7.

There's no such thing as "reverse" racism, there's just plain racism and stereotyping. That's what Sam Biddle is contributing to. I think Giz should respect all ethnicities. It's not offensive to you because you're used to hearing it, perhaps you should question why? Go on be a sheep.

I beginning to really dislike Sam Biddle's writing. His new favorite word: "stupid". Very appropriate.

Really? So racism against colored people is also fine? Hypocrisy at its finest.

Gizmodo sure is racist!

You obviously don't know the Maginot Line strategy as well as you think.

I realize this is a bit late. No, the Euro using countries are not all screwed, but they have to pay for the Greeks as well. Germany for example is still doing great to name one.

Yes, I want them to write "Maastricht University, the Netherlands".

Yet another article about a foreign company where Gizmodo conveniently "forgets" to mention the country it comes from.

Why don't you also include the country after the city in question?

We don't organize or fund our [European] schools the way you do in the US. Also, buildings are expensive no matter what you do, the extra design work has very little impact on the cost.

Talk about not having a clue.

It's called marketing. It costs a whole lot more than 250k for most companies... We use our money the way we do because we have to. Without marketing you don't sell.

Talk about not knowing your computer history! Microsoft even lost a major court case to Apple, Microsoft were convicted of copying Apple's GUI!

Yeah, but according to the article people were genuinely interested in smuggling phones simply for Internet and Facebook access. At least that is how I read it.

I think it is very ironic that you, the guy with the corporate product logo as his profile photo, is upset that a company has its logo on their storefront...

It's actually very logical in my opinion.

Oh, Norway's still a lot safer than the US. That one man killed more people than would have died in Norway for years. We still have the lowest murder rate in the world, this is an exception. I'm pretty confident I'll never see a gun pointed at me ever in Norway.

They have a chopper for observation, they don't have a *transport* chopper for heavyily armed SWAT forces. If that was needed they would call on the Norwegian Armed Forces for assistance.

Ah, you've never actually been outside of the US. You do know all of Europe is "socialist"?