
The "melting pot" is a debunked myth. It works the same in all countries, second generation immigrants are better integrated. The difference is that Iceland works hard to assimilate everyone from day one. Unlike your "melting pot" people there are brought in to the community, they're not allowed to stay outside. The

Yeah, the problem is that Europe's not dying, despite your disinformation. You do realize that the Baby Boomer generation is something the US and Europe *both* have in common, right?

There's a difference, you sound like an ass.

Another German monster machine! :)

Really? I would have thought that one was obvious. Middle Saxons... Picts, Celts, Saxons, Vikings/Danes, Normans and so on all left their mark.

Uh, models? That's pretty regular grade Bulgarian women, speaking as a tourist to Bulgaria, of course.

I don't think you've been to Bulgaria :) Don't worry about your reputation, from what I've seen you're amateurs ;)

I'm sure they spent more time watching you :)

It's not about homogenized populations or not, it's all about "culture". If you belong to a community with the same shared goals it's easier to accomplish things like this.

Yeah, unlike the [Anglo-American] Common Law system, Northern Europeans have a German-influenced, Roman Law-based system.

Yeah, that's Scandinavian folklore, thank you very much. Heck, I'm sure those Trolls still roam around my parts of Norway :)

Allegedly. I very much doubt the veracity of the claims.

That exact design or just another mobile police station? Because mobile stations are common all over the world...

I believe it's China that has beef with Japan?

I for one disagree with you, I suspect there are many more that agree with *me*.

Gizmodo hits a new low. Engadget here I come.

You don't know Jack it seems.

Wow, what a screwed up sense of moral superiority. Listen, the producer is callous, but he's not telling anyone to shoot. He's NOTHING like Eichmann!!!!!

You do realize it's *not* just a dialect? It's a different language all together. It's that far away from English... Look it up (Kreyol or Liberian Pidgin English). You're the fool here.

I think all American websites should have automatic tagging and linking of country names to Wikipedia and contain region information to put in context.