Nack Jicholson

In case any of the victims of the crimes I committed to go to prison are reading this, allow me to apologize and assure you that I am not ignorant of the damage I caused. I've been robbed myself; I know it is scary. You could not have known how unwilling I was to hurt anyone and it pains me to think that I even scared

I'm a big believer in living a life where as many things as possible are learned through experience...

Surely you remember Everclear.

No! Absolutely not! I am an outraged consumer and retain my right to whine!

Wait a second. I got a 400 on the SATs. I was accepted to every online college where my check cleared. SO THERE.

Phil Collins can do no wrong, shut your awful mouth.

The only Genesis I like is Phil Collins Genesis...

I WILL WEAR backwards New Era hats til I die. Bury me with one on.

FLAT BILL, even.

Maybe it's due to the MOTHERFUCKING TERMINATOR driving it.

"...its original SOHC four-banger replaced by a 255-bhp all-alloy V8 from a 1992 Lexus SC400..."

Little known story: Cassius Clay stole this technique from Pope John Paul VI in a secret practice bout they had in 1973. The punching pontiff knew he was outmatched against the wily Clay, so he wisely employed a strategy then anointed as "rope-a-pope". The resulting draw impressed Clay so much, he employed this then

Yeah, I mean my burger isn't made by a "Muhammad Ali Grill" is it?

seriously, get off of your high horse. The guy has no problem helping the homeless. He did have a problem helping a LIAR. Personally I give when asked unless it's an obvious lie. I wouldn't care if it's spent on a bottle of rotgut, not my money anymore. However if I just saw someone give you a 5 for 'bus fare' at


No, but there was an earlier Celica with chrome bumpers.

Thank you!

Here's more documentation that credits Ben Hardy and Cliff Vaughs... No real mystery here. This is from Ed Roth's Choppers Magazine, November '68.

Why can I only read that in the voice of Richard Rawlings, GasMonkey? 😊

I honestly stopped reading the article once you stated that you used the movie script of Battle Royale for comparison against the books of the Hunger Games. This was because you "didn't have a copy of Takami's book handy", was the $11 on Amazon going to break the budget? This article holds about as much validity as

You've forgotten a bunch of things. Like the protagonists never killing anyone out of any other reason but self-defense. Like heavily relying on very competent sociopathic competitors so the protagonists never have to kill anyone "nice" and lose the audience's sympathy. Like that both stories end with more than one