Daaaaaaaaaamn. Sounds like a great week.
Daaaaaaaaaamn. Sounds like a great week.
My mom was the breadwinner too. I found out later that this was part of my father's frustration. She figured we were better off with a violent father than no father. That and she was just as afraid of him as we were. I moved out as soon as I physically could which was right after my 17th birthday. My mom recently…
I wouldn't even know what to do in that situation. Good luck, and I hope you find a disciplinary solution that works.
It took a long time to get over the anger at my mom for not removing my brother and I from the same kind of situation. I'm glad to hear your mom was strong enough to make that decision.
People who make the comment that since you don't have kids, you can't speak on what it's like to raise kids, forget that we were all kids once.
I was raised in a house where beatings were considered a just punishment for lying, bad grades, or anything considered "disrespect". Disrespect was whatever my dad defined it to be at the moment he decided to beat your ass.
I don't know, still sounds like a "No True Scotsman" type situation. Whenever someone says "real" [whatever] are like [example] or do [such n such], it causes a facial twitch. Some people match those manufactured ideals whether on purpose or by chance, it doesn't mean they aren't legitimate. Picking a small subset…
Does this mean that somewhere there are fake women who do not know how to flaunt their fabulous?
Does he have more of these posted somewhere? I would listen to all of them.
Carry a DJ bag. That's it.