Nacho Sammich

She posted the recipe on her twitter as “Queso recipe: velveeta, rotel, cream of mushroom soup, cream cheese, sausage, bacon, heavy cream, diced jalapeños, fresh tomato & cilantro”

Really it’s just coming out of both ends instead of just their mouths 

Who looks at a recipe for queso that has cream of mushroom soup in it and thinks “yeah, this is a winner”? Just make “rotelle dip” like the rest of us who either don’t know how/or care to make real queso.

This is exactly what he’s going to do. I knew it as soon as I saw the stuff my boomer aunts and uncles started posting on Facebook the last couple of days.

I know people thought Kavanaugh was placed because he was a hedge against Russia but really it was because of his views on executive power.  Kavanaugh basically views the president as a king and he will definitely have Papaya Pol Pot’s back. They will take the case and he will get his wall as a thank you from

Back in college both me and my roommate were going out of town for spring break. I left a couple days before he did as he had to work the weekend before break. The Sunday night before he leaves for Panama City he made some chicken breasts, veggies, and mashed potatoes. The problem was he forgot to take the trash out


Ordered 3 bottle variety pack of the secret Aardvark sauce that is scheduled to arrive today off of Zach’s rec as well.  Can’t wait to try them out this weekend 

Ordered 3 bottle variety pack of the secret Aardvark sauce that is scheduled to arrive today off of Zach’s rec as

The kind that use doritos. Reading is fundamental, friend.

I have done this and can confirm that structural integrity is more of an issue with doritos than regular tortilla chips but not as bad as you make it out to be. You do have to be careful in how disperse the toppings though as if you like to have a bit pile of toppings in the middle of your nachos the doritos will not

Just need the following:

Weird flex but, ok 

FBI: “Ok”

The executive order will be the last ditch effort to save face not to make the wall happen. They are all aware that the executive order will immediately be challenged, held up in court, and more than likely over turned. However at this point actually getting the wall isn’t the point. The legal shit show and denial

I’m sure this fuck wit went around that party and playfully took things from people and said he was “looting.” You know because people who have lost everything they have and loved ones is soooo Hilarious! I love my state but really do wish we shoot about 50% of the population into the sun.

Have AOC do it and he will really lose his shit.  

Nothing to see here just completely normal behavior from a president and his council.....  

Change those boys to Muslim and Mr Phillips to a white Christian and this all plays out very, very, differently......

I can guarantee somebody out there is willing to make him the next Tuberculosis Ladle at this exact second. Kid has a future in the right wing provocateur grit industry if he wants it. That smirk and the last name Sandmann are just begging to “own the libs”  as a profession.

FANTASTIC we get to watch this kid become the next Tailpipe Lethargy in real time. With a last name like Sandmann this kid is going to be “owning the Libs” as a full time profession in no time and that punch worthy smirk will be his trademark. Can we just launch this entire planet into the sun already?!?!?!