Nacho Mammal

No - it was fantastic.

So, the time for him while he was at college was “difficult” while she was literally the one who carried all the weight.

And at the university I got my BS in physics, the women were saying it was actively hostile to them. And one professor in particular saying to two of my classmates he had dreams of them stripping for him.

And I saw his leering myself during one class.

And backhanded sexist comments and harsh upbraiding for not figuring

Just a heads up, women aren’t particularly open to discussing their experience of harassment/sexism with pestering and whiny males.

More like, “Unscientific things that are stupid to say, and probably wouldn’t be said if the writer of the post was who they claimed to be...”

No one will ever tell the truth to you because they don’t trust you.

To paraphrase Elizabeth Spiers, Jeffrey Dahmer didn’t kill and eat every person he encountered, either. That doesn’t mean that the people he did kill and eat aren’t dead.

Or maybe most women who deal with harassment that they’ve resigned themselves to seeing as a matter of course in their fields don’t talk to you about them. I couldn’t begin to imagine what about your attitude about how much of not a problem their problems are would dissuade them.

It’s kind of funny that you work in academia (or at least make that claim), yet don’t understand that the personal experience of you, at your university, may not be usual for women working at universities, research institutes, private corporations, etc, across the STEM fields, and is therefore anecdotal evidence.

They already did the math, you mansplaining asshole. What part of ‘40 percent of women of color reported feeling unsafe in the workplace as a result of their gender or sex, and 28% of women of color reported feeling unsafe as a result of their race’ failed to register with you? Just because you have neither witnessed

“I have anecdotal experiences of not-discrimination against women, therefore the idea that STEM is broadly hostile to women is bullshit”

“She’s quite outgoing and very headstrong though, so I’m sure that helps a lot.”

Pffft. It takes almost no time at all to be sexist or racist. It can even happen by accident. Cringe-inducing story incoming:

Prescod-Weinstein said. “Do we really think that’s because it doesn’t happen in physics, or is it because the culture in physics is even more toxic in silencing?”

My wife sees a lot of this, she’s a scientist in a STEM field.

And people still wonder why women don’t want to make a career in STEM and those who are there leave in droves.

but I do think it’s nice that someone breaks down the Mean Girl narrative we’re always hearing on this very site, all the goddamn time.

A photo of a woman on her knees cleaning = support for Trump. I guess she’s staying on brand..
