Brisket and Tex-Mex being addictive account for Texas.
I've never lived in California, but I do live in the Austin area... the place where all the Californians are fleeing to. Based on my experiences, I'd say they probably want to move because of all the Californians.
A better question is "why weren't women allowed to compete in the first place?"
I hope you still watched the Asada's free skate. It was awesome. I'm so glad she landed the triple axel. Johnny Weir said it was a performance he would remember for years.
Mao Asada's free skate was completely amazing! I'm so glad she landed that triple axel. I wasn't aware that Sotnikova's score was higher than Mao's. You're right; that makes the inflation pretty clear.
Well, I don't know. I assume this season. (They obviously have to be rebuilt every year.
To be fair the courses are designed by contractors hired by the FIS (olympic/international skiing's governing body). Blame for any poor course design should be laid at their feet (except for the weather).
Canada supposedly built a replica of the slopestyle course at Whistler... so I guess that is how it works.
Do these numbers include the guy that got carried off the course during snowboard cross this morning?
Lol @ people. The truth is obviously 'Veep'.
That's crazy.
Hey, it happens to Olympians too. At least you were jogging:…
This happened at the Athens olympics too. (Just putting that out there for the people using this to say Russia is the most f'd up ever)
WTF? Are you kidding? She's a sex slave. This is not a hidden fact or something Tyrion doesn't know. It was rape. It's very clear-cut. Tyrion is a rapist. You are being a [fictional] rape apologist.
****ADWD spoilers*****
I didn't mean to be condescending. I gave you the specific chapters. You asked who I meant by 'she', but neither of the women are named.