
We can stop with this notion that people only sue for “a payday” because they’re greedy, but in this particular case, the bitch is fucking greedy. Her kids stole a car and died because of it, and now she’s milking that for all it’s worth. You know what I’d like to see? The guy whose car was stolen suing her for

“Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? That’s not my department”

Who owns a copy of windows? Most of us only have the one we got with our computers.

There are black spots, does that help?

A little bit, yeah.

Sinus pressure? So it has nothing to do with the fact that I didn’t floss for 25 years?

All of them, but it’s a pretty dull pain. Like it’s not a cavity or anything.

It’s nice that things are going better for you.

Try googling “homemade sauces” or something like that.

My teeth have been hurting lately. Any suggestions beyond going to a dentist, since I have no dental care?

Not me. I work T-S with Sun/Mon off, which means today’s a work day. I’ll be binging it as tomorrow though, that’s for sure.

Yeah, that sounds about right. You get a giant influx of new applicants, that lowers to wages companies have to pay to find someone qualified. I’m not sure why you’re treating this like some big news.

Probably stuff like taste in music, geographic location, history, all those things. They can guess this stuff with pretty high accuracy now a days.

I usually try 50/50 white and almond flower in my bread. It ends up a little gritty, but I can fix that easily if I flavor it with olives or hot peppers or something. It’s only a problem if I want it plain.

Nah, it’s not bleeding or anything, so I figure I have a few more years.

Nope, full brunette on both sides of my family, without a freckle for at least 2 generations. No, this is because I didn’t floss for 26 years.

Learn when your store puts out damaged/expired goods. Make that day shopping day every week.

I know what that feels like. Apparently my gums are black in some spots, and that can’t be good. But they’re not bleeding or anything, so they can’t be that bad, right?

Yeah, that was way too much notice. There’s a reason it’s called “two weeks”. Two weeks is enough time, even in such a personal field, to find someone new.

Well, I got fired this week. Or at least the site I work at was shut down. I have 2.5 months to find a new job, or so they say, but there’s no guarantee I’ll even have a job on Monday, which kind of sucks. It was nice while it lasted though.