When did white people NOT need it?
When did white people NOT need it?
I think it’s a function of selfishness, ignorance and cognitive dissonance.
Isn’t that just a race-batey way of saying that people are embracing the policies that help them, and opposing the ones that hurt them? During Obama’s presidency, a lot of people (mostly white, due to socioeconomic trends) saw their premiums soar without much benefit unless they had a preexisting condition. So they…
Aren’t there already laws to penalize employers who hire them? I know that’s one of the questions I’m always asked whenever I apply anywhere, “Are you allowed to work in the US?”
Don’t know about #1, but you’re definitely wrong about #2. Technically, the federal government doesn’t have a whole lot of power. Things like drinking ages and speed limits and the age of consent are all up to states to set, not the feds. But yet they are still more or less standard accross the country. That’s because…
Call us selfish if you want, but while Trump went out of his way to court middle class white voters of all ages, Hillary more or less ignored us. Even among her base of young, urban voters, she focused her campaign on things like immigration and healthcare that wouldn’t help most of us. We were given a choice between…
Right, it’s the same thing that happened in the UK with Brexit. One side promised a solution to the social and economic problems facing rural voters, albeit a flawed one that wouldn’t work. The other side, instead of offering a better solution, just pretended the problems didn’t exist, and if you thought they did you…
How do you feel about Russians? That’s more or less how everyone else feels about us.
My copy of The Nonary games arrives tomorrow, so that gives me about a week to beat it before my copy of Persona 5 comes. Then I have 3 days between that and the new Hearthstone expansion. Perfect.
Never mind, I guess Jason eddited it?
Boys wearing dresses isn’t the same as trans girls, and we shouldn’t be equating the two. That’s just reinforcing gender roles that if you like pretty things, you must be a girl.
Are they really identifying as girls, or do they just want to wear pretty dresses? I’m not saying a little boy can’t identify as a little girl, but it seems like these books are more about their ability to do decidedly un-masculine things, like wear a dress and make-up. And the reason you don’t have any books about…
Yeah, I’ve watched most of the movies. Sucks that Crunchyroll doesn’t have them, since I have to torrent them all, but they were pretty good. I was actually kind of disappointed by the anniversary episode. It was 2 hour long specials, so about a movie’s length, and with a special guest star Ichikawa Ebizō playing…
I don’t know. Yes, Trump ran his campaign on undeliverable promises, but Ryan, and the GOP in general, have been making this particular promise for 7 years now. Over and over again they promised a better healthcare bill, and I think it’s fair to blame them more than Trump when they couldn’t deliver. Fuck, not even they…
It’s fine if you prefer dubbed, but that’s often not possible. I’m watching episode 806 of Case Closed right now. 804 was a huge 20th anniversary special. Nobody is going to dub 20 years of this show. I’m pretty sure DB Super will be dubbed at some point, but I haven’t heard anything about it, so my options are…
So it’s not a universal basic income then. Because that’s what “universal” means: Everyone gets it. What you’re suggesting is just an aggressive social safety net paid out without restrictions on what the money is used for.
First off, you’re not a waste of oxygen. Never believe that, no matter how much help you need. It sounds like you’re doing a lot more than some people in your position would even try to.
That must have been awful for you. I’m seeing a lot of comments here from people saying they’d be fine if their partner was seeing somebody else on the side, and I can’t help but feel they’re coming from people who don’t understand the difference between cheating and having an open relationship. Maybe you would have…
On the one hand, I agree with you that the uneven power dynamic sucks for him. On the other, he can’t really keep his wife prisoner either. It’s something I’ve always found weird about the whole “don’t pressure someone into sex” message we give kids. If she wants sex, and feels it’s a necessary part of a healthy…
This. My roommate in college was poly, and she even told me about it when we first met. This kind of shit requires honesty, otherwise somebody will get hurt, no question.