
Our society has a pretty big connection between being in love and being sexually exclusive. Even if you don’t feel it’s rational, you have to see how it would seriously hurt a relationship to find out your partner was cheating on you, for whatever reason. Not everyone will be so understanding, and I feel like they

Even if you say that, this is the kind of thing you should really talk to your partner about before starting, isn’t it? Either they will accept that their condition is hurting your relationship and give you permission to sleep with other people, or they won’t and it’s up to you to decide if that’s a deal breaker. But

Maybe I’m biased because I’m not really into sex (tried it, wasn’t for me), but I can’t imagine going through all the trouble of having an affair, and hiding it from your partner, just to sleep with someone. I especially can’t imagine loving someone enough to stay married to them, but not enough to avoid lying to them

I’m sure that well managed UBI is theoretically cheaper and more effective than the shitstorm of social safety nets we have now, but the solution is to better manage our nets, not to hand out free money to people who don’t need it. I have a decent job, and make enough money to feed myself and afford to rent a place

But there’s no reason to give unregulated money either, or to give any money to people who are already well enough off that they don’t need it. We should be helping people survive, paying for necessities like food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. And if they can pay for all that themselves, then why should I give

That doesn’t sound like a loophole, it sounds like the judge is focusing more on the ban’s result than the intent, and ignoring the comments Trump made about the ban being in place to target Muslims.

We have a minimum basic income. Food stamps, medicaid, subsidized housing, etc... are all programs designed to care for people’s basic needs when they cannot. There’s no need to provide extra money on top of that, or to provide that money to people who can take care of their own needs.

It sounds like it sucks to be her, but that’s no reason it should suck to be you too.

This is exactly the kind of thing you need to talk to your boss about it’s his or her job to manage this behavior. And no, there’s a difference between wearing sweatpants and eating at your desk/smelling like feet.

This really isn’t the kind of thing you can just wait out. Talk to him. See if he just “doesn’t think” he wants kids, or if he definitely, 110% doesn’t want them. How about you? If you did have to choose, would you pick him, or those 2 kids?

Should I pick this up for the Vita, or pay the extra $10 for the PS4?

And what are they going to target me with that’s so scary?

Pretty much. Nobody cares what Bob Smith does in his free time. What they care about is that, out of 900,000 customers, 60% of internet time is spent on porn, and 30% on online shopping, and 40% on online games, and 10% of news. Knowing that is fucking gold for a lot of people, but completely worthless for Bob Smith.

Mine is 4 websites plus a bunch of porn, so same.

I don’t know much about the Viet Cong, so yeah, I ignored them. The IRA and Hamas though are both terrorists. Whether or not they’re “freedom forces” like you say, once they start targeting civilians like they do, they become freedom forces who uses terrorist tactics to achieve their goals. And like I said above, I

I will give Hamas credit for the good they do when they stop actively trying to kill Israeli non-coms and committing acts of terror. Until then, I see them as a big group of Bill Cosbys: No matter how much good they do, they still raped a shit ton of women, and I’m against trying to put the two things on some sort of

I guess it just doesn’t seem very important if you’re not the one they’re shooting missiles at.

No. Zionism is usually used to indicate a general support of Israel in general, as opposed to the opposition of Israel and support of Palestine that some people have. For instance, you’re “Zionist” if you oppose boycotting Israeli products. Individual Israeli policies don’t factor into it.

Maybe once they stop lobbing missiles at Israel, Israel will stop complaining about them having missiles.