
Sounds to me like a perfectly valid explenaiton of the cost of bussing. You might believe that the benefits outweigh those costs, but that doesn’t make those costs magically disappear. Don’t try to dismiss an argument just by saying “it’s weasel words” as if that means something.

Ambulences are really fucking expensive, and in this case, it wouldn’t have really been anything but a thousand dollar uber ride, would it have?


Girl falls asleep, dreams of madness

Rick and Morty.

Scarlet Letter.

You don’t have to send your kids all the way through college you know. They can get loans like the rest of us.



Off colored food hated until tried.

This is the reason I might actually buy a Wii u after the switch comes out and the price drops.

The ACA has winners and it has losers. Removing the ability to reject applicants for pre-existing conditions was obviously a pretty big book for anyone who got sick before obtaining insurance, but it was also costing the insurance companies a lot of money. Requiring everyone to buy insurance was suposed to offset that

Because that’s not very fun? It’s “high-security”, not “total-security”.

Unfortunately, it’s not a complete set. You can’t do a whole lot with just 11 cards. I’m not even sure they’re 11 important cards or anything.

Were there parts that put you off from pursuing the subject?

The symbols still mean and imply certain things today. If they didn’t, then women would more commonly buy engagement rings for men and both parents would walk the bride down the aisle.

Ok, I’m out. This is all getting way too confusing for me.

Agreed. I really want to call myself a feminist and fight for equal pay/birth control/etc..., but I also really don’t want to be grouped in with the kind of people who complain about comic books having sexy covers.

Wait, there’s a 4th wave now?

Even if those symbols have been historically oppressive, I can’t imagine too much good would come from fighting against them. That’s one of the biggest issues I see with feminism today: there are a million different things people want to fight against, and some of them just aren’t all that important.