
Is “Feminism” even salvagable anymore, or does the term just have too much baggage at this point? After a century of different waves, splinter groups, factions, and other splits, is it even possible to define the movement anymore, or is it just too broad?

Illegal Aliens?

There are a lot of people in this world who don’t deserve extra respect, but should still be shown it because they have power over you. This is a good lesson to teach your kid.

And what good is not trusting the cop that pulls them over going to do? They have all the power in this interaction, you have absolutely none. All antagonizing the cop does is make them want to use some of that power against you.

Start by teaching your kids that cops are all cops are good, because they need to feel like they can go to a cop if they’re in trouble (lost/hurt/etc...). Once they’re a little bit older, explain to them that cops in general are good, but not always fair. They need to treat all cops with respect, even the unfair ones,

But what if it wasn’t furry? Or if they had made another one that wasn’t furry? As other people have pointed out, this was pretty revolutionary 20 years ago, even if right now it’s a good 10-15 years behind the times.

To continue the metaphor, this was a gold mine being mined by only 2 people, without any pick axes. If they were smart and buisness savy, they could have gotten investors, expanded their work force, and really made some money. But they just kept mining away by themselves. Eventually, other gold mines were discovered,

You had me right up until “In a particularly memorable encounter that took hours for me to grok”. Fights should never take hours to complete. When they do, the fight becomes more of an exercise in patience than skill, and I have none of that.

Gender has nothing to do with it. This is an unquestionably shitty situation for your friend to be in. But it’s the situation he finds himself in. If this were a perfect world, your company would have a sexual harassment policy along with the power to actually implement it. It sounds like that’s not the case though,

Right. I might be wrong, but everything OP said about this guy just screams mama’s boy. There’s no chance in hell he’s going to be rebelling any time soon.

In that case, there’s really nothing he can do. It sucks, but it was also a pretty poor decision on your friend’s part to work for someone he used to date. I’d recommend he try to find a new job ASAP. If those emails are super explicit, he might want to consider a lawsuit once retribution is no longer possible, but

My cousin tried dating an older man a year or two ago. She was mid 20's, he was early 30's. She said what eventually ended it was that they were in two different places in their life. She wanted to go bar hopping and stay out late, and he’d already done all that, and was more interested in staying home and binging

Is it a large enough organization to have an HR department or someone above your boss? Or when you say small, do you mean it’s just you guys, and there’s nobody who has enough power to get her to back off? Because that would be my first suggestion. Even mentioning a lawsuit should be a last resort. They’re really

It sounds a little too in depth to be a scam. I’d say, at worst, this is a flakey company with poor management that doesn’t really know what they’re doing. At best, they’re going through a major reorganization at the moment, and need some more time to figure out exactly what they need in an employee, because it’s no

Yes, that is a terrable idea. Until you sign, you have no job, and any number of things could prevent you from getting one. Especially if you still have checks or tests to complete.

As long as you only signed up for the official student loans, and didn’t refinance or pick any up elsewhere, you should be able to go onto an income based repayment plan. That’ll make it much easier to pay them off.

Only if you’ve bought at least one part of it. Which is why I dropped 700 gold on the first part of BRM, just in case I really want to play Wild some day. Once you buy the first one, the others will be available for purchase even after they rotate out. But if you don’t have any, you can’t buy any.

The kind of movies I like aren’t the kind of movies a bunch of super old white dudes like, and I’m perfectly fine with that.

He doesn’t, but he ruins the entire point of plea deals (and by extention, our whole judicial system) if he can accept one, then go back on it afterwards.

Because I joined at the tail end of the last set. Those weird combos you love would cost me hundreds of dollars to collect all the cards for.