
It’s better than Yugioh’s strategy of only banning cards that are too game breakingly powerful. They’ve power creeped so much in order to get people playing the new cards that they introduced whole new card types, each more broken than the last.

It’s still a suprise because a shit ton of black comedies are released, but very few of them do well with non-black audiences. That’s why you only get one hit every couple of years.

The important message isn’t that even evil people can be redeemed, but that even good people can do evil shit. Because if it’s only the evil ones, then anyone you know isn’t evil must be doing only good things.

You asked for an example, and I gave it. Unless you want to pull True Scottsman, and decide that anti-semites like Salah aren’t “really” members of the movement, then there you go. A lot of the pro-Palestine movement is like Salah: Anti-Semites who are totally fine with Palestine’s goal of blowing Israel to hell.

How are we all equally responsible? Surely the people who worked to make him president share more responsibility than those who worked to keep him from being president. The people who currently support him are more responsible than the ones protesting against him. It’s not that none of us are any better than Nazi

The original article provided a pretty good one: One of the pro-Palestine people that Rabab Abdulhadi met on her trip was Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, who has publicly accused the Jews of using children’s blood to bake their bread.

And what do you feel should happen to the Israeli citizens after their country is disbanded?

Exactly. If only evil monsters could do the things the Nazis did, then there’s nothing to worry about, because we’re not evil monsters. So we can all relax and let Trump do whatever he wants, secure in our knowledge that we’re nothing like the Nazis.

If we’re talking early Nazis, then it’s not genocide as much as it is extreme prejudice and discrimination (much like right now), and if he’s still a kid, he probably hasn’t done anything unforgivable yet. It’s more his beliefs that are problematic, and watching him learn the error of his ways could be romantic if

Slavery’s different, since that actually won’t be coming back anytime soon.

So the choices are ACLU, Doctors w/o Borders, and the International Rescue Committee. Anyone pick one to donate to over the others, or did you just keep the 1/1/1 split they default to?

Yes, whoever has the right to sell these games gets a say in whether or not they’re sold in bundles. In this case, the games are all probably donated, since there’s not even an option to pay the developers.

Holy fuck, look at the top contributors. $3k, 1k, and 1k.

As a Jew I’m equally tired of the narrative that an entire country was “the bad guys”. All that does is make the Nazis seem like some cartoon villains who could never exist in real life.

I haven’t seen the movie, but is it possible that this, like Schindler’s List, is a film that both shows the softer side of the Nazi party and is also staunchly anti-Nazi? Like maybe by the end of the movie, the Nazi has figured out that hating Jews/Blacks isn’t such a good thing after all?

Movies take years to write, film, edit, and produce. This would have had to been made long before Trump was even running for president.

“SJW” was originally used to deride a certain kind of liberal, who would protest on Facebook and Twitter, and do pretty much nothing else. The warrior part was used ironically, because they were the farthest thing from actual warriors, doing almost nothing to help their cause except complaining on social media. They

Once Oklahoma actually starts to act on that rhetoric though, and fires missiles into Texas, then they absolutely share a large part of the blame. Palestine’s ongoing attacks on Israel are fueling a lot of that vilification and harassment you’re talking about, and they’re a large part of the reason nothing will be

I thought my post was pretty clear. Poor relations with Israel hurts our ability to stop middle eastern terrorism, since Israel is our biggest ally against them. Which part didn’t you understand?

Agreed. The letter OP linked from AMCHA mentioned that one of the people Abdulhadi met with publicly accused Jews of using children’s blood to bake bread. It’s pretty much impossible right now to separate the calls to stop Israel’s oppression of Palestine from the calls to kill all the Jews.