I can’t remember why I started an account here. Unfortunately, it was like 3 or 4 accounts ago, so I can’t go back and check either.
I can’t remember why I started an account here. Unfortunately, it was like 3 or 4 accounts ago, so I can’t go back and check either.
I can certainly imagine catching hell from your family for calling your cousin stupid, idiot, clueless, and a Nazi supporter.
Politely disagree with statements of fact, and refuse to laugh at “jokes”. Don’t go on the offensive and insist that they’re racist/sexist/bigoted, because that does nothing but turn them off of you. You probably won’t change anyone’s mind, but at least let it be known that you don’t appreciate that kind of talk in…
That’s really shitty behavior, and yeah, I’d say it crosses the line into emotional abuse. You absolutely have the right to be upset about things, and nobody, especially not your boyfriend, should be calling you weak or stupid for it. His past experiences don’t invalidate yours, and while I feel bad about what he went…
I was going to make blackened fish of some sort, but then I changed my mind and went with shrimp in one of those pre-made sauces. Hope it turns out good.
I seriously hope the market crashes, since that’s the only way I’ll ever be able to buy even a tiny one bedroom condo in Seattle. They’re going for over $300k according to Zillow, and that’s just for surrounding areas!
Ah no, Hillary will win the popular vote by a few million votes if not more, so Trump did not really win the election at all.
Probably that he’s still better than Hillary, which is why we can’t spend the next four years just calling him mean names and hoping he’ll self destruct if we want to retake the white house.
It does, just retroactively a few months ago if you owned PS+.
It’s $55 for 12 months after tax right now, and you get online access plus 6 free games a month and some pretty decent sales. You won’t like every game you get, but they’re usually worth $5 a month.
They did an amazing job of marketing it, and pretty much nothing else.
Then I guess their PR move worked.
This. Hell, as far as republicans go, he’s actually one of the best we could have hoped for. His plans are constantly only as bad or better than the Republican party line, and he actually supports social security.
It was already only $1 in a humble bundle. They’re past the point where they’re still making money off the game, and onto the point where they’re trying to drum up support and good will for sequels/tie ins/future projects. It’s PR.
Why not just save your Z-move, which can only be used one time by one pokemon per match, and use sword dance instead?
It might have swung a few votes, but there were much bigger reasons Hillary lost. People are sick of politicians, and they want change. Hillary campaigned as the ultimate regressive government insider, who was going to change almost nothing.
No. “Crooked” just means dishonest.
They obviously care more about what they hope he will do for the economy and jobs then they do about how he represents America though, so can we please stop spending all our time shaming them about how poorly he’ll represent America, and start focusing on a coherent strategy to convince people democrats will be better…
It’s worse than a waste of time. People don’t like it when you shame them, and it doesn’t help win them over to your cause.
Except Trump voters don’t care if he tweets stupid shit, they care what he plans to do in office. There was way too much focus this election on what kind of a person Trump is, and not enough on how his policies will hurt our country. Maybe we all learn a lesson from our loss and focus on the important things in 4…