
You mean like suing a company because someone did something bad on their property?

Emergency exists are meant to let people get out easily. Before this happened, nobody ever considered there was a real reason they would also need to keep them out.

Anything but the families paying Cinemark back in full for their legal costs sets a horrible precedent that you can file whatever baseless lawsuit you want and the only two possible results are a huge payday or absolutely nothing at all, and there will never be any repercussions for you, no matter how much money you

And that’s a problem, because they are idiots, and their idiocy is puting people in danger.

Lauren was pretty clearly implying that something anti-female is occurring with this line.

But setting those past wrongs aside

PSP GO probably would have been a bigger hit if Sony had massive sales like Steam. As it stands, Amazon sells me physical copies of games for much less than Sony sells me digital copies. Especially older ones, which might be on sale once a year on PSN, but have a normal shelf price of half what Sony sells them for on

I know one map which had a 60/40 win ratio was tweeked to around 47/53 just by moving the respawn points a tiny bit.

There’s a difference between being in the top ~10% and being in the top 0.001%. At some point, a line needs to be drawn and we need to declare that some athletes have an unfair advantage and shouldn’t be allowed to compete against those without one, just like we do for men with an unfair advantage against woman.

The issue isn’t her gender, its that she has a rare mutation which gives her an unfair advantage over others with her gender.

Alternatively, those arguments about OP are from a long time ago and didn’t get nearly as much press because there weren’t sites like Deadspin calling anyone who disagreed with him sexist.

I remember watching a news story about those legs years ago. Yeah, they were a pretty big thing, though obviously not as big to non-sports fans. Part of it is that it’s a lot harder to prove those legs gave him an advantage, whereas it’s accepted scientific fact that more testosterone = better at sports.

Agreed. The old line was scrapped because it unnessisarily cut out some women with extra high testosterone that didn’t give them any kind of advantage. That’s where all this extra testing comes from: seeing if the extra testosterone helps any, or if they’re making a big fuss over nothing.

If you’re going to separate men from women, there needs to be some way to distinguish the two. Otherwise separation isn’t possible and all events would be 100% male due to their natural advantage. The old way was whether or not she had XX chromosomes, but that ran into trouble with a certain class of intersex women

Interestingly enough, tax evasion is one of the crimes where lack of knowledge of the law is a defense. “I’m too stupid to do my taxes” is a valid argument in a court of law.

Not possible on the scale it needs to be with the government we currently have. Our government was designed to be decentralized: 50 states each with their own state government and laws. Setting up a single public health care that covered all of those would be an impossible task even if congress agreed (which they

If plea deals weren’t offered as often as they are, the whole judicial system would colapse. Our courts are designed around the idea that only a few cases in a hundred will actually see a jury.

Iirc, assistance was offered but refused. Stopping Boko Haram is high on their to-do list, but getting back these specific girls probably isn’t.

3 days later: