

Already hopped on the PSN webstore and bought it the second I saw it was available. I won't be able to play it for a while because I'm insanely busy, but I have a trip back to New England later this month that seems like the perfect time to go 108 Star-hunting all over again.

Thanks or the shout out! All 11 chapters at once? Wow! Spacemon will conclude next week if you want to feature the finale.

Oh, look. A comment on the internet.

I got online the first week and one 3 races in a row. I figured I got lucky and played some new players. Ain't nowhere to go for me but down so I haven't been back online. I can brag I'm undefeated online FOREVER.

Players are often left in the dark, yeah, which was part of my inspiration for writing this piece. Last time I checked in on MK8's online multiplayer, it wasn't doing so well—and Nintendo wouldn't tell me what they'd changed exactly. I'm willing to bet this is at least part of the reason why it started to seem so

Thanks for the heads up. Snagged one, if only to play Bayonetta 2 and Earthbound finally.

Thanks for the heads up. Snagged one, if only to play Bayonetta 2 and Earthbound finally.

Thanks for linking my anime article András! AniTAY really appreciates the extra viewers.

I love it. Feels like it falls between Melee and Brawl, at least to me.

somebody do this glitch with Sonic please!