
People get kicked off the wine train all the time. It happened to me, too. So I'm not sure this had anything to do with race, at all. But whatever, they got some money.

I live in Napa. People get kicked off the wine train every month. When they get kicked off, it is mandatory that the police escort them off, not to shame them, but to be sure they do not endanger themselves, not only because they’ve probably been drinking all day, but because they have to take them off the train near

Were you?

I lost all respect for Erika when I witnessed her husband shush her in her own house. Also, she isn’t allowed to buy her own jewellery?! So odd.

In a nice coincidence, celery is highly underrated. A veggie with excellent crunch factor and leaves for garnish to boot.


I bet it rhymes with fiancée.

I’m not criticizing jezebel per se because I think that every news outlet and webblog does this but sometimes i wonder about the ethics of going through police records and laying out someone’s abuse in a very public way without their consent.

Anything below sriracha is just adding vinegar to your meal.

Uhhhh, what racism?

The finale was like riding the roller-coaster to the top of the highest peak... and then being told the ride is over.


Besides the cultural appropriation, she just looks really fucking bad in those dreads.

Her hair looks cute. I'm not seeing the unprofessional because it looks neat and clean to me. I think braids are professional.

Her hair looks beautiful, and I can’t imagine what actual problem there could be with it. Zara have opened themselves up to some serious problems here I think. Unless they have an actual “no braids” policy, which I highly doubt they do.

I clicked on the link. This place is at 110 Wall Street. The paradox of living in the Financial District is that it’s very underpopulated compared to the rest of Manhattan (but growing with every passing day) and yet the housing stock is almost exclusively among the priciest (“luxurious” as Donald Trump would say) in

It’s not paying more though... 1brs are like $3200 in NYC. I guess you can find Sub-$2k apartments in Flatbush or something...

This sounds like my hell but it is actually more like finding roommates on Craigslist and living in a kick ass building than it is like being in a dorm or an SRO. For $1375+ (which is, criminally, not insane for a bedroom in a NYC apartment) you get your own room in an apartment that has free utilities and basic goods

I think these places have people to deal with that (i.e., maid service).

... isn’t $1375 for your own room with facilities actually a pretty great deal in New York City these days? Maybe it’s not on Manhattan proper.