Just posted the same thing. Classic. These kids don't know reality.
Just posted the same thing. Classic. These kids don't know reality.
What about Seattle???
Whatever is going on here, I am down with it.
This! I’m not excusing his behavior but I can understand why he finally snapped. And then the other men were automatically, “how dare you hit a woman that is never, ever allowed” when they never stepped in and suggested she should stop her behavior.
That episode pissed me off. No one should ever lay a hand on another and neither of them were in the right but damn, she egged him on for what seemed like forever.
First of all, I love this show and everyone they put in it. Especially the drama! Second of all, I think Abe is awesome in every way. Sooo happy he’s back and I hope he wins. Third of all, everyone thinks he’s crazy for the way he reacted?? I think you guys are all crazy! If I were him I would have beat the shit outta…
I was rooting for them in their first Challenge season together years ago because they seemed like such an adorable pair of weirdos. However, her reaction when he showed up this season was very telling. She looked so uncomfortable. That’s not a normal reaction to seeing your significant other in a healthy…
omg YAS
Just a fun reminder that Abram was once arrested for public urination and then proceeded to cover his jail cell in his own poop.
it’s always bad when a person in a seemingly unhealthy relationship insists that you just dont know what it’s REALLY like for them! you dont know how they REALLY are as a couple
I could be wrong but I thought she said a farm house and a gym. Either way, she sounds like she is miserable with him but is afraid to leave him (which is completely understandable after last night’s episode).
Abe seems to be nothing more that a manipulator and abuser. I really hope she decides she is better off without him and moves on. His actions towards her on the show were disgusting and even worse on the aftershow. He is a straight-up lunatic.
Until i see an art major take Differential Equations, Cal 1-3 and theory and stats plus linear algebra like all the other STEM subjects do. Art doesn’t belong in STEM, just like any “soft science.” I can’t wait to see what happens if/when Japan goes through what they are pushing. I know we (USA) would never go for…
I was really disappointed and actually stopped reading about 2/3 in.
They develop a singular vision when it comes to mocking their commenters on social media, though. If she really wanted to see her “flaws as they are,” then more listening and less mocking would be a good start. I’m speaking of the maxi dress article, precisely because it stands out in my mind as the most obvious…
You are not stuck in a job that has high public visibility, even if you fell into it accidentally.
Yeah, I was really disappointed with how much her answer to so many conflicts was basically “I don’t mind having a ton of cognitive dissonance, and neither should you.” That’s awesome for her, but not at all a solution to any problem.
me, me! i went in wanting to learn something new or discover another perspective but it was the same ol’ rhetoric.
DAE think Bad Feminist wasn’t all that?