
At the point where you can’t “conceptualize” or understand cause and effect i think its a little bit more serious than a ‘learning disability.’

Yeah 38k a day is nothing, you’re right.

Such an old white man thing to do. Talk about income equality, eschew the opportunity to save a year of an average american salary every day if it actually affects what you feel like doing.

True but... isn’t it still a net positive for the people being helped?

.... have you been to an affluent school and a poor school? I’ve been to both. At a poor school a teacher calls it a success when they get everyone to sit down for five minutes of discussion (and I’m not blaming the teacher). At school in an affluent suburb the education and opportunities were incredible. I had

Right, but you understand what a risk that is? What is more important than education in someone’s life? It affects everything. It’s great to be socially conscious and help out... but I’m wondering if this price is too high.

There’s nothing more important than education in someone’s life. It’s insane to think you wouldn’t go all out and get them into the best school you can afford to make a political statement. Volunteer as a family. Intentionally live in a diverse neighborhood. Education is the very last place to compromise.

“...we wanted our kid to see all kinds of people, not just privileged white kids.”

they’re engaged? and she’s young enough (and the dad is absent enough) that cole is also her “dad”

I hear people complaining about this much, MUCH more than i actually hear this.

I had one in 08. The only thing that happened is someone left me a nice note once :)

Are we really supposed to be offended by this? Cause like, I have a job. And hobbies. And a life.

When will old white men stop trying to talk for women? STFU about your dumb opinions.

They are generally a scam in that they profess to help people but employ legions of people in near-poverty paycheck to paycheck lives that will one day need their own services.

Plus writing is the easiest thing in the world to do on the side while working a full time job that pays the bills.

punching a clock makes me feel like a child :(

I make a lot of money now. A few years ago I made barely enough to live on but worked all day, every day for over a year to get the job I have now. Some co-workers in my same position punched the clock and they’re still in that position, so I wasn’t forced to work like crazy. I feel uneasy about if this law had been

How is she a good egg is she misreporting very damaging information about richter? It’s negligent.

“This article originally stated that Andy Richter spoke out in support of Johnny Depp, not Amber Heard. This has since been corrected.”

Would be a relevant fact to include in this article.