
I don’t understand people who comment on articles about shows/news they don’t follow saying “this is still happening?”

“the show’s most loved/hated cast members”

Forming an argument comes from studying logic — which at many colleges is considered a math course.

Right, as smart as, not that Harvard people are dumb. I’m not sure how you can make that point.

Hi where do i get DMT?

Or one of the many brands that use natural exfoliants (MAC has a great one with volcanic ash)

Yeah nice brands will use natural exfoliants like charcoal, volcanic ash, rice, etc.

No, it was a line from The West Wing.

but i mean, they weren’t great women, categorically. they gave up what could have been a great life to be a fucking help-meet for a guy.

women putting up with shitty men isn’t something to come around and say okay men, put up with shitty women. NO ONE put up with shitty people. please. that’s equality.

It’s not like Josh is getting paid from this.

I think it should be left up to the victims to decide how they want to procede and not us to further punish them.

Yeah... she actually is a victim? I’m confused about how you don’t see her as a victim.

Can all these people outraged that the girls are still on tv explain to me why the victims of sexual abuse deserve to be further victimized by losing their jobs?

“All of the accusations are from either ex-girlfriends or events that happened on set.”

lol but kings did not actually earn the title of king, just birth.

wait, where is it pronounced like ‘sin’ ?

Right, so I’m not understanding how this is the landlord or cable new’s mistake rather than the FBI for letting go of the scene.

I don’t really get the problem here? We are all hungry for answers and discussion about what happened, what motives might be, how we can do better. The FBI gave the clear so they had done what they needed to do already.