Not A Burner 4 - The Final Burner

She can be pretty terrible sometimes, sure. Maybe it’s like Babe Ruth, she either hits a home run or strikes out.

She’s a “sexy robot” for a good reason. It makes sense in terms of not just story but theme. Ex Machina is brilliant in a dozen ways. Please, I’m begging you. Watch it.

Buying the disc then giving it away free has been done to boost music sales figures before.


Man, you know what I really crave right now?

It’s important for us Average Joes and Janes to remember there’s a difference between a connected story, and stories that share the same continuity.

I’ll offer one last thing for you to consider, and I’m not responding to you again.

Just like how the guy that reads the weather on the weekend is automatically a meteorologist! Oh, wait...

Meh, I get her point. Equal pay for equal work is right, but defining equal work in a field like acting is hard. Especially on a project like American Hussle, the one Lawrence referenced in her essay.

The only problem with that is the Sith follow the Rule of 2, so Snoak being Plagieus means he or Palpatine are pretty bad at being Sith.

I think I read elsewhere that Ren is supposed to be late teens/early 20s, and Rey isn’t that far behind. But I don’t remember where that was.

Reading a report isn’t the same thing as reporting. The reporter is the person who actually constructs the report. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.

But you’re wrong. An anchor is a presenter. A talking head. They read. There’s no mandate that they be a journalist.

Lol ok

This is, by far, one of the least offensive things he or anyone else has done.

He’s not a journalist, he’s an anchor. BIIIIIIIG difference.

My only issue reboot wise is it’s not really connected to the originals. But that’s kind of Mad Max’s deal anyway.

There’s probably an interesting case study to be done in The Force Awakens vs. Jurassic World, regarding how to and how not to reboot a franchise.

It was a toss up between this and Black Mass, but at least Black Mass had Depp’s mega-creep performance.

Ah but you misunderstand the dynamics. The only people who will read the headline “Organization X tried to hide email release on New Years eve” will be people already on the lookout, people who already have fully formed opinions.