Not a Burner 3 - Dream Warrior

“...tells a story about who he is that is both truer and more important than the one Twitter would like to read into one goddamn blog post and its cascading fallout. “

So you only correspond every 6 months?

This story sucks. Maybe next time try working with a mentally ill gay escort before publishing.

If only the vision and thoughtfulness he applied in evaluating your situation had been extended to his primary editorial role. Then Gawker wouldn’t have embarassed itself with a pointless, gleefully homophobic attack on a random human.

The kid fucked up.

“Years later, David Geithner’s children would look back on the day that ruined their family forever and remark that it wasn’t a total loss - ‘a bunch of awful people realized the value of friendship, at least.’ ”

This is a good story and the sentiments are laudable and understandable. But nobody is laying mushroom clouds on Gawker. Somebody inside Gawker's own office did that when they hit “Publish” thinking they were laying a mushroom cloud on Conde Nast.

You guys all really are that tone-deaf. How does the Koolaid taste at Gawker HQ? He approved a post that ruined a man’s life, then objected to taking it down, then quit not becuause he made a mistake and allowed the post to be published, but because he was forced to take it down. Never an apology to the subject of the

Craggs is terrifyingly good at writing and seems to be a real solid human being. I don’t understand how that person could approve and edit the Geithner post.

Quick, Gawker staff! Flood the comments so no one else’s “who gives a fuck” posts make it through.

Nick Denton should quit.

I’m sure there were a lot of great guys that were also racists in the 1950s who would be looked upon fondly by their friends, but this is 2015 and attacking and publicly shaming homosexuals has to stop and should never be acceptable practice by a private individual much less a media site.

Will there be a Gawker flag for those that died for this flawed and immoral cause? Sort of like the Confederate flag for talentless hacks unable to get hired elsewere?

Gawker writers and editors chose the flattest of hills to die upon.

Can the Gawker writers please get back to work? Reddit stories aren’t going to re-post themselves on your site.

Man, I have an awesome rant about how presumably straight male gamers’ acclimation to the notion of killing 79,012 dudes and rescuing singular defenseless objectified women impacts the masculine identity when it is isolated from social systems that would seek to challenge it.

men who are good at video games are more likely to participate in blackmail plots against c suite execs

Shall I continue?

We've seen your Twitter Natasha. You have no issues protecting people who sexually prey on others.