I think I want to be rachel dolezal
I think I want to be rachel dolezal
Make sure not to use Twitter, too. Or Facebook. Asshole by association.
There is no “they”. Reddit users are not a monolith. r/twoxchromosomes has 3+ million subscribers. I’m not going to go through and list all the other dozens of women/feminist focused enormous subreddits. The entire point of reddit is that whatever you are into is available there. If you are a feminist, it’s available.…
Several actual feminist subreddits. As opposed to Jezebel, which brings such enlightening women-uplifting content as http://themuse.jezebel.com/would-you-smas…
Yes, the poor sexist manbabies who have taken up days of protest over the unfair firing of a woman by a woman who falsely claimed gender discrimination and made a mockery of such a claim thereby setting back the ability of all women who actually suffer such discrimination to make such claims without seeming like…
I signed the petition as I think Ellen Pao is not a good CEO and should be ousted, which is what the petition is about. You are entitled to your opinion, but please don’t call those who signed it “racist/misogynists.”
Reddit, a popular site for creepers and fans of upskirt shots and Gawker Media bloggers in need of content.
Because we all know that narcissism is completely alien to politicians.
Truly in 2016 the road to the White House will be paved in selfies. I can only hope we get to hear someone say;
One “mystery” solved. Can he explain the Phantom Zone Space Dildos?
“It’ll all be explained in Batman v Superman, when Batman pulls out a sniper rifle and shoots kryptonite bullets at Superman.”
You I wouldn’t be complaining about the carnage in MoS as much if the movie hadn’t treated it like it never happened. The moment after Super Jesus kills Zod and then screams like he’s about to take a dump (Seriously, every time Henry Caville grimaces it looks like he’s about to take a shit.), the movie immediately…
Holy shit, not this again, for the last time, it’s not that there was destruction ITS THAT SUPERMAN GAVE 0 FUCKS ABOUT IT!!!!
Insert the word “black” where the word “homosexual” appears in these kinds of cases, and suddenly you’ll realize how insanely stupid your question is.
Why on earth make it ruinous to break the law, why! Why. I'm stomping and everything.
For any who think this is a First Amendment issue:
I’m one of the internet’s most reliable repliers
Well, I’m one of the internet’s most handsome sentient llamas.
Wait, I would need to have a gag reflex for that, right?