Not a Burner 3 - Dream Warrior

.... Uhmmm ... You may want to research that thought before you jump to conclusions.

I dunno, I feel like Stewart is straining for a point here. Caitlyn has not yet proven herself to be smarter or kinder or more athletic or better at business or whatever than she was when she was called Bruce. Literally all we know is that she’s presenting as a woman now, looks great, and seems happy. What else are

Everyone who wears that tshirt will only ever look like this old lady to me.

And it’s entirely possible Pao is doing this as well, under the guise of equality.

“Yet a recent court filing made by the firm showed that it offered Pao nearly a million dollars before the trial to settle the case out of court.”

I went to a Catholic school with a strict dress code and there were the normal violations (untucked shirts, sloppily tied ties, etc) which weren’t a big deal. There were also those few kids who constantly refused to follow the rules (way too short skirts, Timberlands (that was explicitly not allowed by the dress

Yeah, I’m sorry the rules at your school are so shitty but you PAY tone at this private Catholic school, therefor agreeing to their terms. Why is this lady making me stand up for the fucking Catholics??!?

they’re thinner than the maginot line. I’m sure adolph was able to breach them with little to no resistance.

Well, one DOES want a HINT of color.

Anna, Jesus did respond to you. But he responded in his own way, not the way you wanted, and you just weren’t listening. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

If Ariel isn’t played by a real mermaid that I’m not here for it.

It must be noted that Clarence Thomas was the 1 in the 8-1 vote in a case that Scalia said was “really easy.”

He just reaaaaally reaaaaaally cares about the environment, guys.

“Just make sure you’re not a weird creeper before you go riding naked down the street.”

And remind her that the show was created and is exec produced by Maurissa Tancharoen, who is Thai. This is a show with one of the most legitimately diverse casts in television.

Sure, laugh now. We’ll see who’s grinning when Warner’s Nigerian prince wire transfer drops.

Is that actually Megyn Kelly’s site? I’m not disagreeing with you, she’ll most likely be throwing them nothing but wiffle balls, but all the tweets keep quoting some woman named Krystal Heath. I think this is just some whackadoodle maintaining a website to make it look like it’s Megyn Kelly saying this shit.

Is this supposed to be some sort of adoring gaze? My dog looks at me like this when I put him in the bathtub.

They did it with Dole in 96, and Reagan in 80 and 84 as well.