Not a Burner 3 - Dream Warrior

Herein lies the key: fully and flagrantly objectify your wife. Imagine her as a faceless orifice, a sex doll to be used in your Christian ejaculatory efforts.

The Martian hired Asian actors, including Benedict Wong, in other roles, but mostly minor ones.

I have learned to have no stances on the kind of overly fraught minutia that is easy to dismiss as such from the outside but from the inside overwhelms you.

Yes another reason I (along with MANY others) will never shop from you guys

Even with fairly generous comparisons (the site assumes a daily coffee from the store costs $2, for example)

There’s also the option of mocking him for being a polygamist adulterer accused rapist. Which, eh, I’m ok with.

I know they’ve been pushing circumcision in Africa recently, but that’s just extreme.

I’m sure teens would feel bad for Cher, if they knew who she was.

In Return of the Jedi, she gets to be more feminine, more supportive, more affectionate. But let’s not forget that these movies are basically boys’ fantasies. So the other way they made her more female in this one was to have her take off her clothes.

I don’t have a problem with people being called on bullshit. I have a problem with people calling bullshit when they a) don’t have the info to support it and b) actually have contradictory info.

Ironically, according to Gallup poll head Frank Newport, the Republicans really started fearing the government when President Obama began running the country. Funny how race is a clear factor in these numbers

It took nine articles about Conde Nast for the NY Times to show how weird and obsessed they are about them. Gawker showed it could be done in one.

20 bucks says she doesn’t care what he paints, Leo Dicaprio’s talking to her!


Hey if it ain’t broke...

True. But the minutia of how much of people’s behavior is governed by what they just happen to like vs what’s informed by the evils of society is none of Helen Mirren’s business.

This is another form of policing

Even deeper nerd alert: He’s Ferb from Phineas and Ferb.

I thought shade was a lot less forward an insult than this. But what can I say, I’m white. Clarification please?

She was just the first I thought of. And Whitney Cummings was way worse.