Yes! I’ve also heard that the scene with him in a helicopter is supposed to be part of an extended action sequence. They way they tease how they play with the size change gimmick is just too fun!
Yes! I’ve also heard that the scene with him in a helicopter is supposed to be part of an extended action sequence. They way they tease how they play with the size change gimmick is just too fun!
Right? I bet it’d be very chuckle-worthy.
I’m so hype for this movie. An Edgar Wright script, punched up by Peyton Reed and Paul Rudd to match their style, Haley Atwell shows up, Evangeline Lily supposedly doing...spoilery things I’ve heard rumblings on. Shout outs to other...spoilery things to give depth to the world and set up future titles. The action…
This just struck me as an unusual sentence to add to the statement,
The AAUP says they’ve examined the documentation of the faculty hearing Buchanan underwent, which says that while she used “profanity, poorly worded jokes, and occasionally sexually explicit jokes in her teaching methodologies,” there was no evidence that she directed this behavior “against any particular individual,…
Should I circumcise my son?
Yeah, but how many of them ALSO made a 2-story jump afterward?
I’m not saying that they do. I’m saying people who vote for one party tend to do it over and over again.
I’m talking about the voting along part lines part.
He’s not going to get the nomination either if he keeps up with all of the “reach across the aisle” “compromise” talk. Romney wasn’t wrong with his 47% talk, at least in terms of the concept. Most people vote on party lines. You need someone that motivates bases. It’s why Christie won’t win the nomination, it’s why…
Yeah, but you don’t want someone squatting at @hillaryclinton and sending up all kinds of shit. That’s image control. She shouldn’t have much up there, though.
I’m torn. I don’t necessarily have a problem with a basic social media presence for companies to protect product names and such. Limit it to very basic “this is our new product” type news posts, and be done with it. But there’s always someone who thinks it’s a good idea to do stuff like...grillary clinton...
...but how many goats did the guy offer?
...beheaded alongside their husbands...
Where are they getting that they don’t have a choice? They all have a choice. Don’t want to vaccinate your kids when you don’t have a good reason for it? You are free to do so. They don’t get to go to public schools, though.
I’m also a lowly TA at another university in Louisiana. Every employee of a state university receives sexual harassment training by law, once a year. That training even has an example of third-party sexual harassment that is basically this situation. There’s really no excuse.
Watching a lot of OitnB lately?
If that’s sexual harassment, we’re all fucking fired.
Well of course not, they’re fictional characters. But it’s not any more ridiculous than, say, Spider-Man’s bubble butt ab-fest unitard.